List of armoured fighting vehicles by country

This is a list of armoured fighting vehicles, sorted by country of origin. The information in round brackets indicates the number of AFVs produced and the period of use. Prototypes are marked as such.
In the case of multi-national projects, the vehicle may be listed under all applicable countries.


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Argentina


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Australia
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Austria
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Azerbaijan
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Belgium
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Brazil

Armoured personnel carrier

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Bulgaria
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Canada


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the People's Republic of China
Armoured personnel carriers
Infantry fighting vehicles
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Croatia

Armoured cars


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Egypt


Armoured cars

Armoured cars produced in Estonia
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in France
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Finland

Fast attack vehicles

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Germany


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Greece
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Hungary:


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in India

Main battle tanks

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Indonesia
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Iran
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Iraq

Armoured cars

Armoured vehicles produced in Ireland
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Israel
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Italy
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Japan

Amphibious tanks

s produced in Malaysia

Tracked armoured fighting vehicle

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Mexico
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the Netherlands
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in New Zealand
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in North Korea
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Pakistan
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Poland. See also list of Polish armoured fighting vehicles.

Armoured cars

Light tanks

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Portugal:
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Romania

Armoured cars

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the Russian Empire
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the Russian Federation
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See also lists of list of Soviet tanks, Soviet WWII military vehicles, modern AFVs.
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Serbia
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Singapore
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Slovakia
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Slovenia
Armoured fighting vehicles designed and produced in South Africa


Main battle tanks

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in South Korea
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Spain


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Sri Lanka
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Sweden


Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Switzerland
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the Republic of China
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Thailand
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Turkey


4x4 Armored Vehicles:
6x6 and 8x8 Armored Vehicles:
Tracked Armored Vehicles:
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in Ukraine

Armoured cars

Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the United Kingdom


First World War

;Post World War II
;World War I
;World War II
;Post World War II
Armoured fighting vehicles produced in the United States


Light tanks

Armoured fighting vehicles designed and produced in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe

Infantry fighting vehicles