List of Jewish mathematicians
This list of Jewish mathematicians includes mathematicians and statisticians who are or were verifiably Jewish or of Jewish descent. In 1933, when the Nazis rose to power in Germany, one-third of all mathematics professors in the country were Jewish, while Jews constituted less than one percent of the population. Jewish mathematicians made major contributions throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, as is evidenced by their high representation among the winners of major mathematics awards: 27% for the Fields Medal, 30% for the Abel Prize, and 40% for the Wolf Prize.
- Abner of Burgos, mathematician and philosopher
- Abraham Abigdor, logician
- Milton Abramowitz, mathematician
- Samson Abramsky, game semantics
- Amir Aczel, history of mathematics
- Georgy Adelson-Velsky, mathematician and computer scientist
- Abraham Adelstein, statistics
- Caleb Afendopolo, mathematician, astronomer, poet, and rabbi
- Aaron Afia, mathematician, physician and philosopher
- Shmuel Agmon, mathematical analysis and partial differential equations
- Matest Agrest, mathematician and pseudoscientist
- Ron Aharoni, combinatorics
- Bendich Ahin, mathematician and physician
- Michael Aizenman, mathematician and physicist
- Naum Akhiezer, approximation theory
- Isaac Albalia, mathematician, astronomer, and Talmudist
- Abraham Adrian Albert, algebra; Cole Prize
- Félix Alcan, mathematician
- Semyon Alesker, convex and integral geometry; Erdős Prize
- Al-Samawal al-Maghribi, mathematician, astronomer and physician
- Noga Alon, combinatorics and theoretical computer science; Erdős Prize, Pólya Prize
- Franz Alt, mathematician and computer scientist
- Shimshon Amitsur, mathematician
- Jacob Anatoli, mathematician, scientist and translator
- Aldo Andreotti, mathematician
- Kenneth Appel, proved four-color theorem
- Zvi Arad, mathematician
- Vladimir Arnold, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Siegfried Aronhold, invariant theory
- Nachman Aronszajn, mathematical analysis and mathematical logic
- Kenneth Arrow, mathematician and economist; Nobel Prize in Economics
- Michael Artin, algebraic geometry
- Emilio Artom, mathematician
- Giulio Ascoli, mathematician
- Guido Ascoli, mathematician
- Herman Auerbach, mathematician
- Robert Aumann, mathematician and game theorist; Nobel Prize in Economics
- Louis Auslander, mathematician
- Maurice Auslander, algebra
- Hertha Ayrton, mathematician and engineer
- Isaak Bacharach, mathematician
- Reinhold Baer, algebra
- Egon Balas, applied mathematics
- Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, mathematician, philosopher and linguist
- Abraham bar Hiyya, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher
- Dror Bar-Natan, knot theory and homology theory
- Ruth Barcan Marcus, logician
- Grigory Barenblatt, mathematician
- Valentine Bargmann, mathematician and theoretical physicist
- Elijah Bashyazi, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher and rabbi
- Hyman Bass, algebra and mathematics education; Cole Prize
- Laurence Baxter, statistician
- August Beer, mathematician
- Alexander Beilinson, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Richard Bellman, applied mathematics
- Kalonymus ben Kalonymus, philosopher, mathematician and translator
- Isaac ben Moses Eli, mathematician
- Jacob ben Nissim, philosopher and mathematician
- Judah ben Solomon, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher
- Paul Benacerraf, philosophy of mathematics
- Lazarus Bendavid, mathematician and philosopher
- Felix Berezin, mathematician and physicist
- Boris Berezovsky, mathematician and businessman
- Toby Berger, information theory
- Stefan Bergman, complex analysis
- Paul Bernays, foundations of mathematics
- Benjamin Abram Bernstein, mathematical logic
- Dorothy Lewis Bernstein, applied mathematics
- Felix Bernstein, set theory
- Joseph Bernstein, algebraic geometry, representation theory, and number theory
- Sergei Bernstein, mathematician
- Lipman Bers, mathematical analysis
- Ludwig Berwald, differential geometry
- Abram Besicovitch, mathematician
- Paul Biran, symplectic and algebraic geometry; Erdős Prize
- Joan Birman, topology
- Zygmunt Wilhelm Birnbaum, functional analysis and probability
- Max Black, philosopher of mathematics
- André Bloch, complex analysis
- Maurice Block, statistician
- Lenore Blum, mathematician and computer scientist
- Leonard Blumenthal, mathematician
- Otto Blumenthal, mathematician
- Harald Bohr, almost periodic functions
- Vladimir Boltyansky, mathematician and educator
- Carl Borchardt, mathematical analysis
- Max Born, physicist and mathematician
- Moses Botarel Farissol, mathematician
- Salomon Bochner, mathematician; Steele Prize
- Hermann Bondi, mathematician
- Immanuel Bonfils, mathematician and astronomer
- Valentina Borok, partial differential equations
- David Borwein, mathematician
- Jonathan Borwein, mathematician
- Peter Borwein, mathematician
- Raoul Bott, geometry; Steele Prize
- Victor Brailovsky, mathematician and computer scientist
- Achi Brandt, numerical analysis
- Nikolai Brashman, analytical geometry; Demidov Prize
- Alfred Brauer, number theory
- Richard Brauer, modular representation theory; Cole Prize
- Haïm Brezis, functional analysis and partial differential equations
- Selig Brodetsky, mathematician and President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
- Jacob Bronowski, mathematician and science educator
- Robert Brooks, complex analysis and differential geometry
- Felix Browder, nonlinear functional analysis
- William Browder, topology and differential geometry
- Leonid Bunimovich, dynamical systems
- Leone Burton, mathematics education
- Herbert Busemann, convex and differential geometry
- Anneli Cahn Lax, mathematician
- Eugenio Calabi, mathematician; Steele Prize
- Georg Cantor, set theorist
- Moritz Cantor, historian of mathematics
- Sylvain Cappell, geometric topology
- Leonard Carlitz, number theory and algebra
- Moshe Carmeli, mathematical physics
- Emma Castelnuovo, mathematics education
- Guido Castelnuovo, mathematician
- Wilhelm Cauer, mathematician
- Yair Censor, computational mathematics and optimization
- Gregory Chaitin, algorithmic information theory and metamathematics
- Herman Chernoff, applied mathematics and statistics
- Alexey Chervonenkis, mathematician and computer scientist
- David Chudnovsky, mathematician and engineer
- Gregory Chudnovsky, mathematician and engineer
- Maria Chudnovsky, graph theory and combinatorial optimization
- Henri Cohen, number theory
- Irvin Cohen, mathematician
- Joel Cohen, mathematical biology
- Marion Cohen, poet and mathematician
- Miriam Cohen, algebra
- Paul Cohen, set theorist; Fields Medal
- Ralph Cohen, algebraic topology and differential topology
- Wim Cohen, queueing theory
- Paul Cohn, algebraist
- Stephan Cohn-Vossen, differential geometry
- Ronald Coifman, mathematician
- Mordecai Comtino, mathematician
- Lionel Cooper, mathematician
- Leo Corry, history of mathematics
- Mischa Cotlar, mathematician
- Richard Courant, mathematical analysis and applied mathematics
- Nathan Court, geometer
- Michael Creizenach, mathematician and theologian
- Luigi Cremona, mathematician
- Alexander Crescenzi, mathematician
- Noah Dana-Picard, mathematician
- Henry Daniels, statistician
- David van Dantzig, topology
- George Dantzig, mathematical optimization
- Tobias Dantzig, mathematician
- Martin Davis, mathematician
- Philip Dawid, statistics
- Max Dehn, topology
- Percy Deift, mathematician; Pólya Prize
- Nissan Deliatitz, mathematician
- Joseph Delmedigo, rabbi and mathematician
- Ely Devons, statistics
- Persi Diaconis, mathematician and magician
- Samuel Dickstein, mathematician and pedagogue
- Nathan Divinsky, mathematician
- Roland Dobrushin, probability theory, mathematical physics and information theory
- Wolfgang Doeblin, probabilist
- Domninus of Larissa, mathematician
- Jesse Douglas, mathematician; Fields Medal, Bôcher Prize
- Vladimir Drinfeld, algebraic geometry; Fields Medal, Wolf Prize
- Louis Israel Dublin, statistician
- Aryeh Dvoretzky, functional analysis and probability
- Bernard Dwork, mathematician; Cole Prize
- Harry Dym, functional and numerical analysis
- Eugene Dynkin, probability and algebra; Steele Prize
- Abraham Eberlen, mathematician
- Ishak Efendi, mathematician and engineer
- Bradley Efron, statistician
- Andrew Ehrenberg, statistician
- Tatyana Ehrenfest, mathematician
- Leon Ehrenpreis, mathematician
- Jacob Eichenbaum, poet and mathematician
- Samuel Eilenberg, category theory; Wolf Prize, Steele Prize
- Gotthold Eisenstein, mathematician
- Yakov Eliashberg, symplectic topology and partial differential equations
- Noam Elkies, mathematician
- Emanuel Lodewijk Elte, mathematician
- David Emmanuel, mathematician
- Federigo Enriques, algebraic geometry
- Moses Ensheim, mathematician and poet
- Bernard Epstein, mathematician and physicist
- David Epstein, hyperbolic geometry, 3-manifolds, and group theory
- Paul Epstein, number theory
- Paul S. Epstein, mathematical physics
- Yechiel Michel Epstein, rabbi and mathematician
- Arthur Erdélyi, mathematician
- Paul Erdős, mathematician; Cole Prize, Wolf Prize
- Alex Eskin, dyamical systems and group theory
- Gregory Eskin, partial differential equations
- Theodor Estermann, analytic number theory
- Gino Fano, mathematician
- Yehuda Farissol, mathematician and astronomer
- Gyula Farkas, mathematician and physicist
- Herbert Federer, geometric measure theory
- Solomon Feferman, mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics
- Charles Fefferman, mathematician; Fields Medal, Bôcher Prize
- Joan Feigenbaum, mathematics and computer science
- Mitchell Feigenbaum, chaos theory; Wolf Prize
- Walter Feit, finite group theory and representation theory; Cole Prize
- Leopold Fejér, harmonic analysis
- Michael Fekete, mathematician
- Jacques Feldbau, mathematician
- Joel Feldman, mathematical physics
- William Feller, probability theory
- Käte Fenchel, group theory
- Werner Fenchel, geometry and optimization theory
- Mordechai Finzi, mathematician and astronomer
- Ernst Sigismund Fischer, mathematical analysis
- Irene Fischer, mathematician and engineer
- John Fox, statistician
- Abraham Fraenkel, set theory
- Aviezri Fraenkel, combinatorial game theory
- Philipp Frank, mathematical physics and philosophy
- Péter Frankl, combinatorics
- Fabian Franklin, mathematician
- Michael Freedman, mathematician; Fields Medal
- Gregory Freiman, additive number theory
- Edward Frenkel, representation theory, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics
- Hans Freudenthal, algebraic topology
- Avner Friedman, partial differential equations
- Harvey Friedman, reverse mathematics
- Sy Friedman, set theory and recursion theory
- David Friesenhausen, mathematician
- Uriel Frisch, mathematical physics
- Albrecht Fröhlich, algebra; De Morgan Medal
- Robert Frucht, graph theory
- Guido Fubini, mathematical analysis
- László Fuchs, group theory
- Lazarus Fuchs, linear differential equations
- Paul Funk, mathematical analysis
- Hillel Furstenberg, mathematician; Wolf Prize, Abel Prize
- David Gabai, low-dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry
- Dov Gabbay, logician
- Ofer Gabber, algebraic geometry; Erdős Prize
- Boris Galerkin, mathematician and engineer
- Zvi Galil, mathematician and computer scientist
- David Gans, mathematician
- Hilda Geiringer, mathematician
- Israel Gelfand, mathematician; Kyoto Prize, Steele Prize
- Alexander Gelfond, number theory
- Semyon Gershgorin, mathematician
- Gersonides, mathematician
- Murray Gerstenhaber, algebra and mathematical physics
- David Gilbarg, mathematician
- Jekuthiel Ginsburg, mathematician
- Moti Gitik, set theory
- Samuel Gitler, mathematician
- Alexander Givental, symplectic topology and singularity theory
- George Glauberman, finite simple groups
- Israel Gohberg, operator theory and functional analysis
- Anatolii Goldberg, complex analysis
- Lisa Goldberg, statistics and mathematical finance
- Dorian Goldfeld, number theory; Cole Prize
- Carl Wolfgang Benjamin Goldschmidt, mathematician
- Catherine Goldstein, number theory
- Sydney Goldstein, mathematical physics
- Daniel Goldston, number theory; Cole Prize
- Michael Golomb, mathematician
- Solomon Golomb, mathematical games
- Gene Golub, numerical analysis
- Marty Golubitsky, mathematician
- Benjamin Gompertz, mathematician
- I. J. Good, mathematician and cryptologist
- Paul Gordan, invariant theory
- Daniel Gorenstein, group theory
- David Gottlieb, numerical analysis
- Dovid Gottlieb, rabbi and mathematician
- Ian Grant, mathematical physics
- Harold Grad, applied mathematics
- Eugene Grebenik, demographer
- Leslie Greengard, mathematician and computer scientist
- Kurt Grelling, logician
- Mikhail Gromov, mathematician; Wolf Prize, Kyoto Prize, Abel Prize
- Benedict Gross, number theory; Cole Prize
- Marcel Grossmann, descriptive geometry
- Emil Grosswald, number theory
- Alexander Grothendieck, algebraic geometry
- Branko Grünbaum, discrete geometry
- Géza Grünwald, mathematician
- Heinrich Guggenheimer, mathematician
- Paul Guldin, mathematician and astronomer
- Emil Gumbel, extreme value theory
- Sigmund Gundelfinger, algebraic geometry
- Larry Guth, mathematician
- Louis Guttman, mathematician and sociologist
- Alfréd Haar, mathematician
- Steven Haberman, statistician and actuarial scientist
- Jacques Hadamard, mathematician
- Hans Hahn, mathematical analysis and topology
- John Hajnal, statistics
- Heini Halberstam, number theory
- Paul Halmos, mathemematician; Steele Prize
- Israel Halperin, mathematician
- Georges-Henri Halphen, geometer
- Hans Hamburger, mathematician
- Haim Hanani, combinatorial design theory
- Frank Harary, graph theory
- David Harbater, Galois theory, algebraic geometry and arithmetic geometry; Cole Prize
- David Harel, mathematician and computer scientist
- Sergiu Hart, mathematician and economist
- Ami Harten, applied mathematics
- Numa Hartog, mathematician
- Friedrich Hartogs, set theory and several complex variables
- Helmut Hasse, algebraic number theory
- Herbert Hauptman, mathematician; Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Felix Hausdorff, topology
- Louise Hay, computability theory
- Walter Hayman, complex analysis
- Hans Heilbronn, mathematician
- Ernst Hellinger, mathematician
- Eduard Helly, mathematician
- Dagmar Henney, mathematician
- Kurt Hensel, mathematician
- Reuben Hersh, mathematics and philosopher of mathematics
- Daniel Hershkowitz, mathematician and politician
- Israel Herstein, algebra
- Maximilian Herzberger, mathematician and physicist
- Emil Hilb, mathematician
- Peter Hilton, homotopy theory
- Edith Hirsch Luchins, mathematician
- Kurt Hirsch, group theory
- Morris Hirsch, mathematician
- Elias Höchheimer, mathematician and astronomer
- Gerhard Hochschild, mathematician; Steele Prize
- Melvin Hochster, commutative algebra; Cole Prize
- Douglas Hofstadter, recreational mathematics
- Chaim Samuel Hönig, functional analysis
- Heinz Hopf, topology
- Ludwig Hopf, mathematician and physicist
- Janina Hosiasson-Lindenbaum, logician and philosopher
- Isaac Hourwich, statistician
- Ehud Hrushovski, mathematical logic; Erdős Prize
- Witold Hurewicz, mathematician
- Adolf Hurwitz, function theory
- Wallie Abraham Hurwitz, mathematical analysis
- Isaac ibn al-Ahdab, mathematician, astronomer and poet
- Sind ibn Ali, mathematician and astronomer
- Mashallah ibn Athari, mathematician and astrologer
- Sahl ibn Bishr, mathematician
- Abraham ibn Ezra, mathematician and astronomer
- Abu al-Fadl ibn Hasdai, mathematician and philosopher
- Bashar ibn Shu'aib, mathematician
- Issachar ibn Susan, mathematician
- Jacob ibn Tibbon, mathematician and astronomer
- Moses ibn Tibbon, mathematician and translator
- Judah ibn Verga, mathematician, astronomer and kabbalist
- Arieh Iserles, computational mathematics
- Isaac Israeli, astronomer and mathematician
- Eri Jabotinsky, mathematician, politician and activist
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, analysis; first Jewish mathematician to be appointed professor at a German university
- Nathan Jacobson, algebra; Steele Prize
- Ernst Jacobsthal, number theory
- E. Morton Jellinek, biostatistics
- Svetlana Jitomirskaya, dynamical systems and mathematical physics
- Ferdinand Joachimsthal, mathematician
- Fritz John, partial differential equations; Steele Prize
- Joseph of Spain, mathematician
- Sir Roger Jowell, social statistics
- Mark Kac, probability theory
- Victor Kac, representation theory; Steele Prize
- Mikhail Kadets, mathematical analysis
- Richard Kadison, mathematician; Steele Prize
- Veniamin Kagan, mathematician
- William Kahan, mathematician and computer scientist; Turing Award
- Jean-Pierre Kahane, harmonic analysis
- Franz Kahn, mathematician and astrophysicist
- Margarete Kahn, topology
- Gil Kalai, mathematician; Pólya Prize, Erdős Prize
- László Kalmár, mathematical logic
- Shoshana Kamin, partial differential equations
- Daniel Kan, homotopy theory
- Leonid Kantorovich, mathematician and economist; Nobel Prize in Economics
- Irving Kaplansky, mathematician
- Samuel Karlin, mathematician
- Theodore von Kármán, mathematical physics
- Edward Kasner, differential geometry
- Svetlana Katok, mathematician
- Eric Katz, combinatorial algebraic geometry and arithmetic geometry
- Mikhail Katz, differential geometry and geometric topology
- Nets Katz, combinatorics and harmonic analysis
- Nick Katz, algebraic geometry
- Sheldon Katz, algebraic geometry
- Victor Katz, algebra and history of mathematics
- Yitzhak Katznelson, mathematician
- Bruria Kaufman, mathematician and physicist
- David Kazhdan, representation theory
- Herbert Keller, applied mathematics and numerical analysis
- Joseph Keller, applied mathematician; National Medal of Science, Wolf Prize
- John Kemeny, mathematician and computer scientist
- Carlos Kenig, harmonic analysis and partial differential equations; Bôcher Prize
- Harry Kesten, probability; Pólya Prize, Steele Prize
- Aleksandr Khinchin, probability theory
- David Khorol, mathematician
- Mojżesz Kirszbraun, mathematical analysis
- Sergiu Klainerman, hyperbolic differential equations; Bôcher Prize
- Boáz Klartag, asymptotic geometric analysis; Erdős Prize
- Morris Kline, mathematician
- Lipót Klug, mathematician
- Hermann Kober, mathematical analysis
- Simon Kochen, model theory and number theory; Cole Prize
- Joseph Kohn, partial differential operators and complex analysis
- Ernst Kolman, philosophy of mathematics
- Dénes Kőnig, graph theorist
- Gyula Kőnig, mathematician
- Leo Königsberger, historian of mathematics
- Arthur Korn, mathematician and inventor
- Thomas Körner, mathematician
- Stephan Körner, philosophy of mathematics
- Bertram Kostant, mathematician
- Edna Kramer, mathematician
- Mark Krasnosel'skii, nonlinear functional analysis
- Mark Krein, functional analysis; Wolf Prize
- Cecilia Krieger, mathematician
- Georg Kreisel, mathematical logic
- Maurice Kraitchik, number theory and recreational mathematics
- Leopold Kronecker, number theory
- Joseph Kruskal, graph theory and statistics
- Martin Kruskal, mathematician and physicist
- William Kruskal, non-parametric statistics
- Kazimierz Kuratowski, mathematics and logic
- Simon Kuznets, statistician and economist; Nobel Prize in Economics
- Imre Lakatos, philosopher of mathematics
- Dan Laksov, algebraic geometry
- Cornelius Lanczos, mathematician and physicist
- Edmund Landau, number theory and complex analysis
- Georg Landsberg, complex analysis and algebraic geometry
- Serge Lang, number theory; Cole Prize
- Emanuel Lasker, mathematician and chess player
- Albert Lautman, philosophy of mathematics
- Ruth Lawrence, knot theory and algebraic topology
- Peter Lax, mathematician; Wolf Prize, Steele Prize, Abel Prize
- Joel Lebowitz, mathematical physics
- Gilah Leder, mathematics education
- Walter Ledermann, algebra
- Solomon Lefschetz, algebraic topology and ordinary differential equations; Bôcher Prize
- Emma Lehmer, algebraic number theory
- Moses Lemans, mathematician
- Alexander Lerner, applied mathematics
- Arthur Levenson, mathematician and cryptographer
- Beppo Levi, mathematician
- Eugenio Levi, mathematician
- Friedrich Levi, algebra
- Leone Levi, statistician
- Raphael Levi Hannover, mathematician and astronomer
- Tullio Levi-Civita, tensor calculus
- Dany Leviatan, approximation theory
- Boris Levin, function theory
- Leonid Levin, foundations of mathematics and computer science
- Norman Levinson, mathematician; Bôcher Prize
- Boris Levitan, almost periodic functions
- Jacob Levitzki, mathematician
- Armand Lévy, mathematician
- Azriel Lévy, mathematical logic
- Hyman Levy, mathematician
- Paul Lévy, probability theory
- Tony Lévy, history of mathematics
- Hans Lewy, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Gabriel Judah Lichtenfeld, mathematician
- Leon Lichtenstein, differential equations, conformal mapping, and potential theory
- Paulette Libermann, differential geometry
- Elliott Lieb, mathematical physics
- Lillian Lieber, mathematician and popular author
- Heinrich Liebmann, differential geometry
- Michael Lin, Markov chains and ergodic theory
- Baruch Lindau, mathematician and science writer
- Adolf Lindenbaum, mathematical logic
- Elon Lindenstrauss, mathematician; Erdős Prize, Fields Medal
- Joram Lindenstrauss, mathematician
- Yom Tov Lipman Lipkin, mathematician
- Rudolf Lipschitz, mathematical analysis and differential geometry
- Rehuel Lobatto, mathematician
- Michel Loève, probability theory
- Charles Loewner, mathematician
- Alfred Loewy, representation theory
- Gino Loria, mathematician and historian of mathematics
- Leopold Löwenheim, mathematical logic
- Baruch Solomon Löwenstein, mathematician
- Alexander Lubotzky, mathematician and politician; Erdős Prize
- Eugene Lukacs, statistician
- Yudell Luke, function theory
- Jacob Lurie, mathematician; Breakthrough Prize
- George Lusztig, mathematician; Cole Prize, Steele Prize
- Israel Lyons, mathematician
- Lazar Lyusternik, topology and differential geometry
- Myrtil Maas, mathematician
- Moshé Machover, mathematician, philosopher and activist
- Menachem Magidor, set theory
- Ludwig Immanuel Magnus, geometer
- Kurt Mahler, mathematician; De Morgan Medal
- Yuri Manin, algebraic geometry and diophantine geometry
- Henry Mann, number theory and statistics; Cole Prize
- Amédée Mannheim, mathematician and inventor of the slide rule
- Eli Maor, history of mathematics
- Solomon Marcus, mathematical analysis, mathematical linguistics and computer science
- Szolem Mandelbrojt, mathematical analysis
- Benoit Mandelbrot, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Grigory Margulis, mathematician; Fields Medal, Wolf Prize, Abel Prize
- Edward Marczewski, mathematician
- Michael Maschler, game theory
- Walther Mayer, mathematician
- Barry Mazur, mathematician; Cole Prize
- Vladimir Mazya, mathematical analysis and partial differential equations
- Naum Meiman, complex analysis, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics
- Nathan Mendelsohn, discrete mathematics
- Karl Menger, mathematician
- Abraham Joseph Menz, mathematician and rabbi
- Yves Meyer, mathematician; Abel Prize
- Ernest Michael, general topology
- Solomon Mikhlin, mathematician
- David Milman, functional analysis
- Pierre Milman, mathematician
- Vitali Milman, mathematical analysis
- Hermann Minkowski, number theory
- Richard von Mises, mathematician and engineer
- Elijah Mizrachi, mathematician and rabbi
- Boris Moishezon, mathematician
- Louis Mordell, number theory
- Claus Moser, statistics
- George Mostow, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Andrzej Mostowski, set theory
- Simon Motot, algebra
- Theodore Motzkin, mathematician
- José Enrique Moyal, mathematical physics
- Herman Müntz, mathematician
- Leopoldo Nachbin, topology and harmonic analysis
- Assaf Naor, metric spaces; Bôcher Prize
- Isidor Natanson, real analysis and constructive function theory
- Melvyn Nathanson, number theory
- Caryn Navy, set-theoretic topology
- Mark Naimark, functional analysis and mathematical physics
- Zeev Nehari, mathematical analysis
- Rabbi Nehemiah, mathematician
- Leonard Nelson, mathematician and philosopher
- Paul Nemenyi, mathematician and physicist
- Peter Nemenyi, mathematician
- Abraham Nemeth, mathematician and creator of Nemeth Braille
- Arkadi Nemirovski, optimization
- Elisha Netanyahu, complex analysis
- Bernhard Neumann, group theory
- John von Neumann, set theory, physics and computer science; Bôcher Prize
- Hanna Neumann, group theory
- Klára Dán von Neumann, mathematician and computer scientist
- Nelli Neumann, synthetic geometry
- Max Newman, mathematician and codebreaker; De Morgan Medal
- Abraham Niederländer, mathematician and scribe
- Louis Nirenberg, mathematical analysis; Bôcher Prize, Steele Prize, Chern Medal, Abel Prize
- Emmy Noether, algebra and theoretical physics
- Fritz Noether, mathematician
- Max Noether, algebraic geometry and algebraic functions
- Simon Norton, group theory
- Pedro Nunes, mathematician and cosmographer
- A. Edward Nussbaum, mathematician and theoretical physicist
- David Oppenheim, rabbi and mathematician
- Menachem Oren, mathematician and chess master
- Donald Ornstein, ergodic theory; Bôcher Prize
- Mollie Orshansky, statistics
- Steven Orszag, applied mathematics
- Stanley Osher, applied mathematics
- Robert Osserman, geometry
- Alexander Ostrowski, mathematician
- Jacques Ozanam, mathematician
- Alessandro Padoa, mathematician and logician
- Emanuel Parzen, statistician
- Seymour Papert, mathematician and computer scientist
- Moritz Pasch, foundations of geometry
- Chaim Pekeris, mathematician and physicist
- Daniel Pedoe, geometry
- Rudolf Peierls, physics and applied mathematics; Copley Medal
- Rose Peltesohn, combinatorics
- Grigori Perelman, mathematician; Fields Medal, Millennium Prize
- Yakov Perelman, recreational mathematics
- Micha Perles, graph theory and discrete geometry
- Leo Perutz, mathematician and novelist
- Rózsa Péter, recursion theory
- Ralph Phillips, functional analysis; Steele Prize
- Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, mathematician; Wolf Prize
- Georg Pick, mathematician
- Salvatore Pincherle, functional analysis
- Abraham Plessner, functional analysis
- Felix Pollaczek, number theory, mathematical analysis, mathematical physics and probability theory
- Harriet Pollatsek, mathematician
- Leonid Polterovich, symplectic geometry and dynamical systems; Erdős Prize
- George Pólya, combinatorics, number theory, numerical analysis and probability
- Carl Pomerance, number theory
- Alfred van der Poorten, number theory
- Emil Post, mathematician and logician
- Mojżesz Presburger, mathematician and logician
- Vera Pless, combinatorics
- Ilya Prigogine, statistician and chemist; Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Alfred Pringsheim, analysis, theory of functions
- Moshe Provençal mathematician, posek and grammarian
- Heinz Prüfer, mathematician
- Hilary Putnam, philosophy of mathematics
- Michael Rabin, mathematical logic and computer science; Turing Award
- Philip Rabinowitz, numerical analysis
- Giulio Racah, mathematician and physicist
- Richard Rado, mathematician
- Aleksander Rajchman, measure theory
- Rose Rand, logician and philosopher
- Joseph Raphson, mathematician
- Anatol Rapoport, applied mathematics
- Marina Ratner, ergodic theory
- Yitzchak Ratner, mathematician
- Amitai Regev, ring theory
- Isaac Samuel Reggio, mathematician and rabbi
- Hans Reissner, mathematical physics
- Robert Remak, algebra and mathematical economics
- Evgeny Remez, constructive function theory
- Alfréd Rényi, combinatorics, number theory and probability
- Ida Rhodes, mathematician
- Paulo Ribenboim, number theory
- Ken Ribet, algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry
- Frigyes Riesz, functional analysis
- Marcel Riesz, mathematician
- Eliyahu Rips, geometric group theory; Erdős Prize
- Joseph Ritt, differential algebra
- Igor Rivin, hyperbolic geometry, topology, group theory, experimental mathematics.
- Abraham Robinson, nonstandard analysis
- Olinde Rodrigues, mathematician and social reformer
- Werner Rogosinski, mathematician
- Vladimir Rokhlin, mathematician
- Werner Romberg, mathematician and physicist
- Jakob Rosanes, algebraic geometry and invariant theory
- Johann Rosenhain, mathematician
- Louis Rosenhead, applied mathematics
- Maxwell Rosenlicht, algebra; Cole Prize
- Arthur Rosenthal, mathematician
- Klaus Roth, diophantine approximation; Fields Medal
- Leonard Roth, algebraic geometry
- Uriel Rothblum, mathematician and operations researcher
- Bruce Rothschild, combinatorics; Pólya Prize
- Linda Preiss Rothschild, mathematician
- Arthur Rubin, mathematician and aerospace engineer
- Karl Rubin, elliptic curves; Cole Prize
- Reuven Rubinstein, probability theory and statistics
- Walter Rudin, mathematical analysis
- Zeev Rudnick, number theory and mathematical physics; Erdős Prize
- Saadia Gaon, rabbi, philosopher and mathematician
- Louis Saalschütz, number theory and mathematical analysis
- Cora Sadosky, mathematical analysis
- Manuel Sadosky, mathematician and computer scientist
- Philip Saffman, applied mathematics
- Stanisław Saks, measure theory
- Raphaël Salem, mathematician
- Hans Samelson, differential geometry, topology, Lie groups and Lie algebras
- Ester Samuel-Cahn, statistician
- Peter Sarnak, analytic number theory; Pólya Prize, Cole Prize, Wolf Prize
- Leonard Jimmie Savage, mathematician and statistician
- Shlomo Sawilowsky, statistician
- Hermann Schapira, mathematician
- Malka Schaps, mathematician
- Michelle Schatzman, applied mathematics
- Robert Schatten, functional analysis
- Juliusz Schauder, functional analysis and partial differential equations
- Menahem Max Schiffer, complex analysis, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics
- Ludwig Schlesinger, mathematician
- Lev Schnirelmann, calculus of variations, topology and number theory
- Isaac Schoenberg, mathematician
- Arthur Schoenflies, mathematician
- Moses Schönfinkel, combinatory logic
- Oded Schramm, conformal field theory and probability theory; Erdős Prize, Pólya Prize
- Józef Schreier, functional analysis, group theory and combinatorics
- Otto Schreier, group theory
- Issai Schur, group representations, combinatorics and number theory
- Arthur Schuster, applied mathematics; Copley Medal
- Albert Schwarz, differential topology
- Karl Schwarzschild, mathematical physics
- Jacob Schwartz, mathematician
- Laurent Schwartz, mathematician; Fields Medal
- Marie-Hélène Schwartz, mathematician
- Richard Schwartz, mathematician and activist
- Irving Segal, functional and harmonic analysis
- Lee Segel, applied mathematics
- Beniamino Segre, algebraic geometry
- Corrado Segre, algebraic geometry
- Wladimir Seidel, mathematician
- Esther Seiden, statistics
- Abraham Seidenberg, algebra
- Gary Seitz, group theory
- Zlil Sela, geometric group theory; Erdős Prize
- Reinhard Selten, mathematician and game theorist; Nobel Prize in Economics
- Valery Senderov, mathematician
- Aner Shalev, group theory
- Jeffrey Shallit, number theory and computer science
- Adi Shamir, mathematician and cryptographer; Erdős Prize
- Eli Shamir, mathematician and computer scientist
- Harold Shapiro, approximation theory and functional analysis
- Samuil Shatunovsky, mathematical analysis and algebra
- Henry Sheffer, logician
- Saharon Shelah, mathematician; Erdős Prize, Pólya Prize, Wolf Prize
- James Shohat, mathematical analysis
- Naum Shor, optimization
- William Sidis, mathematician and child prodigy
- Barry Simon, mathematical physicist; Steele Prize
- Leon Simon, mathematician; Bôcher Prize
- Max Simon, history of mathematics
- James Simons, mathematician and hedge fund manager
- Yakov Sinai, dynamical systems; Wolf Prize, Steele Prize, Abel Prize
- Isadore Singer, mathematician; Bôcher Prize, Steele Prize, Abel Prize
- Abraham Sinkov, mathematician and crypanalyst
- Hayyim Selig Slonimski, mathematician and astronomer; Demidov Prize
- Raymond Smullyan, mathematician and philosopher
- Alan Sokal, combinatorics and mathematical physics
- Robert Solovay, set theory
- David Spiegelhalter, statistician
- Daniel Spielman, applied mathematics and computer science; Pólya Prize
- Frank Spitzer, probability theory
- Guido Stampacchia, mathematician
- Elias Stein, harmonic analysis; Wolf Prize, Steele Prize
- Robert Steinberg, mathematician
- Mark Steiner, philosophy of mathematics
- Hugo Steinhaus, mathematician
- Ernst Steinitz, algebra
- Moritz Steinschneider, history of mathematics
- Abraham Stern, mathematician and inventor
- Moritz Abraham Stern, first Jewish full professor at a German university
- Shlomo Sternberg, mathematician
- Reinhold Strassmann, mathematician
- Ernst Straus, analytic number theory, graph theory and combinatorics
- Steven Strogatz, nonlinear systems and applied mathematics
- Daniel Stroock, probability theory
- Eduard Study, invariant theory and geometry
- Bella Subbotovskaya, mathematician and founder of the Jewish People's University
- Benny Sudakov, combinatorics
- James Joseph Sylvester, mathematician; Copley Medal, De Morgan Medal
- Otto Szász, real analysis
- Gábor Szegő, mathematical analysis
- Esther Szekeres, mathematician
- George Szekeres, mathematician
- Dov Tamari, logic and combinatorics
- Jacob Tamarkin, mathematical analysis
- Éva Tardos, mathematician and computer scientist
- Alfred Tarski, logician, mathematician, and philosopher
- Alfred Tauber, mathematical analysis
- Olga Taussky, algebraic number theory and algebra
- Olry Terquem, mathematician
- Otto Toeplitz, linear algebra and functional analysis
- Jakow Trachtenberg, mathematician and mental calculator
- Avraham Trahtman, combinatorics
- Boris Trakhtenbrot, mathematical logic
- Boaz Tsaban, set theory and nonabelian cryptology
- Jacob Tsimerman, number theory
- Boris Tsirelson, probability theory and functional analysis
- Pál Turán, number theory
- Eli Turkel, applied mathematics
- Stanislaw Ulam, mathematician
- Fritz Ursell, mathematician
- Pavel Urysohn, dimension theory and topology
- Vladimir Vapnik, mathematician and computer scientist
- Moshe Vardi, mathematical logic and theoretical computer science
- Andrew Vázsonyi, mathematician and operations researcher
- Anatoly Vershik, mathematician
- Naum Vilenkin, combinatorics
- Vilna Gaon, Talmudist and mathematician
- Giulio Vivanti, mathematician
- Aizik Volpert, mathematician and chemical engineer
- Vito Volterra, functional analysis
- Vladimir Vranić, probability and statistics
- Friedrich Waismann, mathematician and philosopher
- Abraham Wald, decision theory, geometry and econometrics
- Henri Wald, logician
- Arnold Walfisz, analytic number theory
- Stefan Warschawski, mathematician
- Wolfgang Wasow, singular perturbation theory
- André Weil, number theory and algebraic geometry; Wolf Prize, Steele Prize, Kyoto Prize
- Shmuel Weinberger, topology
- Alexander Weinstein, applied mathematics
- Boris Weisfeiler, algebraic geometry
- Benjamin Weiss, mathematician
- Wendelin Werner, probability theory and mathematical physics; Pólya Prize, Fields Medal
- Eléna Wexler-Kreindler, algebra
- Harold Widom, operator theory and random matrices; Pólya Prize
- Norbert Wiener, mathematician; Bôcher Prize
- Avi Wigderson, mathematician and computer scientist
- Eugene Wigner, mathematician and theoretical physicist; Nobel Prize in Physics
- Ernest Julius Wilczynski, geometer
- Herbert Wilf, combinatorics and graph theory
- Aurel Wintner, mathematician
- Daniel Wise, geometric group theory and 3-manifolds
- Edward Witten, mathematical physics; Fields Medal, Kyoto Prize
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, logic and philosophy of mathematics
- Julius Wolff, mathematician
- Jacob Wolfowitz, statistics
- Paul Wolfskehl, mathematician
- Mario Wschebor, probability and statistics
- Mordecai Yoffe, rabbi and mathematician
- Akiva Yaglom, probability and statistics
- Isaak Yaglom, mathematician
- Sofya Yanovskaya, logic and history of mathematics
- Adolph Yushkevich, history of mathematics
- Abraham Zacuto, mathematician and astronomer
- Lotfi Zadeh, fuzzy mathematics
- Pedro Zadunaisky, mathematician and astronomer
- Don Zagier, number theory; Cole Prize
- Elijah Zahalon, mathematician and Talmudist
- Zygmunt Zalcwasser, mathematician
- Victor Zalgaller, geometry and optimization
- Israel Zamosz, Talmudist and mathematician
- Oscar Zariski, algebraic geometer; Cole Prize, Wolf Prize, Steele Prize
- Edouard Zeckendorf, number theory
- Doron Zeilberger, combinatorics
- Efim Zelmanov, mathematician; Fields Medal
- Tamar Ziegler, ergodic theory and arithmetic combinatorics; Erdős Prize
- Leo Zippin, solved Hilbert's fifth problem
- Abraham Ziv, number theory
- Benedict Zuckermann, mathematician and historian
- Moses Zuriel, mathematician