The thermal design power, sometimes called thermal design point, is the maximum amount of heat generated by a computer chip or component that the cooling system in a computer is designed to dissipate under any workload. The TDP is typically not the largest amount of heat the CPU could ever generate, such as by running a power virus, but rather the maximum amount of heat that it would generate when running "real applications". This ensures the computer will be able to handle essentially all applications without exceeding its thermal envelope, or requiring a cooling system for the maximum theoretical power. Some sources state that the peak power for a microprocessor is usually 1.5 times the TDP rating. However, the TDP is a conventional figure while its measurement methodology has been the subject of controversy. In particular, until around 2006 AMD used to report the maximum power draw of its processors as TDP, but Intel changed this practice with the introduction of its Conroe family of processors. In particular, Intel's measurement also does not fully take into account Intel Turbo Boost due to the default limits, while AMD does because AMD Turbo Core always tries to push for the maximum power. A similar but more recent controversy has involved the power TDP measurements of some Ivy BridgeY-series processors, with which Intel has introduced a new metric called scenario design power.
The TDP of a CPU has been underestimated in some cases, leading to certain real applications causing the CPU to exceed its specified TDP and resulting in overloading the computer's cooling system. In this case, CPUs either cause a system failure or throttle their speed down. Most modern processors will cause a therm-trip only upon a catastrophic cooling failure, such as a no longer operational fan or an incorrectly mounted heatsink. For example, a laptop's CPU cooling system may be designed for a 20W TDP, which means that it can dissipate up to 20 watts of heat without exceeding the maximum junction temperature for the laptop's CPU. A cooling system can do this using an active cooling method such as a fan, or any of the three passive cooling methods: convection, thermal radiation or conduction. Typically, a combination of these methods is used. Since safety margins and the definition of what constitutes a real application vary among manufacturers, TDP values between different manufacturers cannot be accurately compared. For example, while a processor with a TDP of 100 W will almost certainly use more power at full load than a processor with a 10 W TDP from the same manufacturer, it may or may not use more power than a processor from a different manufacturer that has a 90 W TDP. Additionally, TDPs are often specified for families of processors, with the low-end models usually using significantly less power than those at the high end of the family. The dynamic power consumed by a switching circuit is approximately proportional to the square of the voltage: where is capacitance, is frequency, and is voltage.
Variable TDP
TDP specifications for some processors may allow them to work under multiple different power levels, depending on the usage scenario, available cooling capacities and desired power consumption. Technologies that provide such variable TDPs include Intel's configurable TDP and scenario design power, and AMD's TDP power cap.
Configurable TDP
Configurable TDP, also known as programmable TDP or TDP power cap, is an operating mode of later generations of Intel mobile processors and AMD processors that allows adjustments in their TDP values. By modifying the processor behavior and its performance levels, power consumption of a processor can be changed altering its TDP at the same time. That way, a processor can operate at higher or lower performance levels, depending on the available cooling capacities and desired power consumption. Intel processors that support cTDP provide three operating modes:
Nominal TDP this is the processor's rated frequency and TDP.
cTDP down when a cooler or quieter mode of operation is desired, this mode specifies a lower TDP and lower guaranteed frequency versus the nominal mode.
cTDP up when extra cooling is available, this mode specifies a higher TDP and higher guaranteed frequency versus the nominal mode.
For example, some of the mobile Haswell processors support cTDP up, cTDP down, or both modes. As another example, some of the AMD Opteron processors and KaveriAPUs can be configured for lower TDP values. IBM's POWER8 processor implements a similar power capping functionality through its embedded on-chip controller.
Scenario design power
Intel's description of scenario design power : "SDP is an additional thermal reference point meant to represent thermally relevant device usage in real-world environmental scenarios. It balances performance and power requirements across system workloads to represent real-world power usage." Scenario design power is not an additional power state of a processor. The SDP only states the average power consumption of a processor using a certain mix of benchmark programs to simulate "real-world" scenarios". For example, Y-series mobile Haswell processor show the difference between TDP and SDP.