Maximum junction temperature is specified in a part's datasheet and is used when calculating the necessary case-to-ambient thermal resistance for a given power dissipation. This in turn is used to select an appropriate heat sink if applicable. Other cooling methods include thermoelectric cooling and coolants. In modern processors from manufacturer such as Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, the core temperature is measured by a network of sensors. Every time the temperature sensing network determines that a rise above TJ is imminent, measures such as clock gating, clock stretching, clock speed reduction and others are applied to prevent the temperature to raise further. If the applied mechanisms are not compensating enough for the processor to stay below the junction temperature, the device may shut down to prevent permanent damage. An estimation of the chip-junction temperature, TJ, can be obtained from the following equation: TJ = TA +... where: TA = ambient temperature for the package R θJA = junction to ambient thermal resistance PD = power dissipation in package
Measuring junction temperature (TJ)
Many semiconductors and their surrounding optics are small, making it difficult to measure junction temperature with direct methods such as thermocouples and infrared cameras. Junction temperature may be measured indirectly using the device's inherent voltage/temperature dependency characteristic. Combined with a Joint Electron Device Engineering Council technique such as JESD 51-1 and JESD 51-51, this method will produce accurate Tj measurements. However, this measurement technique is difficult to implement in multi-LED series circuits due to high common mode voltages and the need for fast, high duty cycle current pulses. This difficulty can be overcome by combining high-speed sampling digital multimeters and fast high-compliance pulsed current sources. Once junction temperature is known, another important parameter, thermal resistance, may be calculated using the following equation: Rθ = ΔT/
An LED or laser diode’s junction temperature is a primary determinate for long-term reliability; it also is a key factor for photometry. For example, a typical white LED output declines 20% for a 50 °C rise in junction temperature. Because of this temperature sensitivity, LED measurement standards, like IESNA’s , require that the junction temperature is determined when making photometric measurements. Junction heating can be minimized in these devices by using the Continuous Pulse Test Method specified in LM-85. An L-I sweep conducted with an Osram Yellow LED shows that Single Pulse Test Method measurements yield a 25% drop in luminous flux output and DC Test Method measurements yield a 70% drop.