Porters (TV series)

Porters is a British television sitcom that has aired on Dave since 20 September 2017. The series is set in the fictional St. Etheldreda's hospital, and was created by former medic Dan Sefton. The series stars Edward Easton, Susan Wokoma, Claudia Jessie, Rutger Hauer and Daniel Mays. The first series of three episodes began on 20 September 2017. A second series of six episodes began airing on 14 March 2019.


Deluded Simon Porter, dreams of becoming a doctor - but he has to start from the bottom and be a porter. His plan? Work his way up to be the best porter the NHS has ever seen.

Cast and characters


Series 1 (2017)

Series 2 (2019)

In April 2018, it was announced that Porters had been renewed for a second series of six episodes.
EpisodeTitleAir date