Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine Flag

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine Flag is the pledge to the flag of the Philippines. It is one of two national pledges, the other being the Patriotic Oath, which is the Philippine national pledge.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine Flag is recited at flag ceremonies immediately after the Patriotic Oath or, if the Patriotic Oath is not recited, after the national anthem.
The pledge was legalized under Executive Order No. 343, finalized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts from a draft prepared by the Commission on the Filipino Language, approved by then-President Fidel V. Ramos on Independence Day, 1996, and subsequently by the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines, or Republic Act No. 8491. The law requires the pledge to be recited while standing with the right hand with palm open raised shoulder high. The law makes no statement of what language the pledge must be recited in, but the pledge is written in Filipino.

Text of the pledge

National motto

Chapter III, Section 40 of Republic Act no. 8491, popularly known as the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines, specifies the national motto of the Philippines, which echoes the last four lines of the pledge of allegiance.
In English translation, the motto is For God, People, Nature and Country.
The Philippine Motto can also be read as the oath at the Text of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine flag.