NORDSD's primary responsibility is protective security and operative security services within the Armed Forces, including responsibilities related to the Norwegian Armed Forces security intelligence. NORDSD shall, on behalf of the Chief of Defence, Norwegian Armed Forces :
Act as the Designated Security Authority in Norway for the "request for visit" system, by controlling both visits of foreign nationals to the Norwegian Armed Forces or Norwegian defence industry, and issue Norwegian citizens with a certificate of security clearance when visiting other nations where valid security clearance is required.
NORDSD does this by collecting and assessing information regarding security risks and weaknesses within the Norwegian Armed Forces, to analyze and recommend which counter-measures must be taken. NORDSD is the largest security clearance authority in Norway and handles approximately 20,000 security clearance cases annually.
International treaties/agreements concerning military security regulation through Norway's membership of NATO.
As a result of lessons learned by the surveillance scandals after the end of the Cold War, several fail-safe mechanisms are in place to prevent future breaches of human rights and illegal surveillance. NORDSD is under the direct oversight of the legislative and executive branches in Norway. The legislative branch exercises its control through the Norwegian Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee,, which is an independent watch-dog that has monitored NORDSD activities since 2003. The service was elevated to be one of the 'main inspection objects', in 2009. In all of the EOS committee's annual reports to the Stortinget, all deviation from what the committee deems to be good standards has, with the rule of law or human rights, been exposed and correctly criticized. These reports are available to the public on the EOS-committee website. The executive branch exercises its control through different means:
By controlling measures pursuant to the Protective Security Act in the Armed Forces, also in matters of personnel security to ensure uniform interpretation of the Act. NORDSD is under the supervisory authority of the Norwegian National Security Authority.
The chain of command which is exercised through the CHODNOR, his Chief-of-staff and the CHODNOR auditory unit, and is responsible to regularly brief the Minister of Defence on NORDSD activities.
The judicial branch exercises indirect control of NORDSD in these cases' legal actions brought against persons by the service or if a corporate charge is brought against NORDSD or its personnel.
NORDSD insignia is constructed in accordance with Norwegian and continental heraldic rules and tradition; it was approved by the Chief of Defence, Norwegian Armed Forces in 2003. The insignia symbolism is as follows:
The crown is, in Norway, the symbol of the sovereign and the executive powers of the state.
The basis livery colour is green. This stems from World War II when the exiled Norwegian Armed Forces in the United Kingdom adopted the British Army's patterns to indicate rank and service branch. Green was the service branch colour for the intelligence and security service.
The lion figure is based on the Coat of arms of Norway. It represents strength and determination to protect and guard the nation and its firm hold on the key, affirms the loyalty to protect the sovereign property.
Since NORDSD is not a part of the Norwegian Army lifeguard division and the Military Academy ), the standard gold colour is used.