New Sunshine Project

The New Sunshine Project is a Japanese project to develop the technologies for new energy and global environment integrating the Sunshine, the Moonlight and the Global Environment Technology Projects since 1993. It is the successor of the 1974 MITI Sunshine Project.


The New Sunshine Project has multiple programs, the first one being "World Energy Net-work research program" that was running from 1993-2002 Another program was the "Development for safe utilization and infrastructure of hydrogen"running from 2003-2007 This program was a project to develop the technologies for safe utilization and infrastructure of hydrogen and was the successor of the World Energy Network research program.
"Fundamental research project on advanced hydrogen science" was a program running from 2006–2012. It was a project to develop the technologies that enables the transportation and storage of large volumes of hydrogen in a compact form. It is the successor of the development for safe utilization and infrastructure of hydrogen research program.