List of MeSH codes (C16)

The following is a partial list of the "C" codes for Medical Subject Headings, as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine.
This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes. Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes. For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.
The source for this content is the set of from the NLM.

[congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities]


[abnormalities, drug-induced]

[abnormalities, multiple]

[cardiovascular abnormalities]

[digestive system abnormalities]


[erythroblastosis, fetal]

[fetal hypoxia]

[fetal growth retardation]

[fetal macrosomia]

[meconium aspiration syndrome]

[genetic diseases, inborn]

[adrenal hyperplasia, congenital]

[anemia, hemolytic, congenital]

[blood coagulation disorders, inherited]

[cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic, familial]


[chromosome disorders]


[genetic diseases, x-linked]

[Hajdu–Cheney syndrome]


[Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome]

[kallmann syndrome]

[kartagener syndrome]

[marfan syndrome]

[metabolism, inborn errors]

[nail–patella syndrome]

[neoplastic syndromes, hereditary]

[pain insensitivity, congenital]

[Romano–Ward syndrome]

[skin diseases, genetic]

[infant, newborn, diseases]

[amniotic band syndrome]

[anemia, neonatal]

birth injuries">birth trauma (physical)">birth injuries

[epilepsy, benign neonatal]

[erythroblastosis, fetal]

[hernia, umbilical]


[hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal]


[Möbius syndrome]

[neonatal abstinence syndrome]

[nystagmus, congenital]

[ophthalmia neonatorum]

[persistent fetal circulation syndrome]

[persistent hyperinsulinemia hypoglycemia of infancy]

[Rothmund–Thomson syndrome]

[sclerema neonatorum]

[severe combined immunodeficiency]

[syphilis, congenital]

[thanatophoric dysplasia]

[toxoplasmosis, congenital]

[Wolman disease]

The list continues at List of MeSH codes.