Jefferson Elementary School (Spokane, Washington)

Jefferson Elementary School is a primary school located in Spokane, Washington, USA of approximately 600 students in kindergarten through sixth grade. It was constructed in 1908, and has been expanded four times since then. Jefferson's PTA organization helps get parents involved in their children's educational experience. It is the home of the school district's Montessori program, an alternative to the regular classroom experience. Jefferson provides support for learning-disabled students through a dedicated reading instruction program, two special-education classrooms, and a learning counselor. As of 2005, the school principal is Mary-Dean Wooley.
According to a recent Annual Report Card published in 2004 , 25.4% of students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program. Minority students account for 11.4% of the student body and the average class size is 17.7 pupils.

Extracurricular activities