Itaguaru is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil.Location
The distance to the regional center of is 127 km.
Highway connections are made by GO-070 / Goianira / Inhumas / Itauçu / GO-154 / Taquaral de Goiás / Itaguari. For a complete list of distances in the state of Goiás see
Neighboring municipalities are Jaraguá, Itaguari, Itaberaí and UruanaDemographics
- Demographic Density: 22.79 inhabitants/km2
- Number of voters: 4,924
- Population growth rate: 0.12% 1996/2007
- Total population : 5,467
- Total population : 7,130
- Urban population : 4,288
- Rural population : 1,179
The economy
The economy is based on services, small industries, cattle raising, and modest agriculture.
- Number of industrial establishments: 15
- Number of retail establishments: 50
- Banking establishments: Banco do Brasil S.A.
- Dairies: Divino Cézar Ribeiro e Cia Ltda.
- Number of automobiles: 582
Agricultural data 2006
- Farms: 489
- Total area: 12,133 ha.
- Area of permanent crops: 3,530 ha.
- Area of perennial crops: 431 ha.
- Area of natural pasture: 7,323 ha.
- Area of woodland and forests: 652 ha.
- Persons dependent on farming: 1,200
- Farms with tractors: 25
- Number of tractors: 34
- Cattle herd: 32,000 head
Health and education
- Hospitals: 2
- Hospital beds: 40
- Health clinics : 1
- Schools: 5
- Classrooms: 34
- Teachers: 80
- Number of students: 1,540
- Infant mortality rate: 26.30
- Literacy rate: 86.0
Itaguaru had a ranking of 0.746 on the Municipal Human Development Index, giving it a state ranking of 90
and a national ranking of 1,997. For the complete list see