Itaguari is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil.Location and Connections
The distance to the state capital is., while the distance to the regional center is.
Highway connections are made by state highway GO-070 from Goiânia to Goianira / Inhumas / Itauçu / GO-154 / Taquaral de Goiás. For a list of all the distances in the state of Goiás see
Neighboring municipalities are ItaberaÃ, Itaguaru, Jaraguá, and Taquaral de GoiásDemographics
- Population density: 31.39 inhabitants/km2
- Number of voters: 3,556
- Population growth rate: -0.15% 1996/2007
- Urban population: 3,653
- Rural population: 601
The economy
The main economic activities are cattle raising and agriculture.
- Number of industrial establishments: 7
- Number of retail establishments: 35
- Banking establishments: none
- Dairies: LaticÃnios Ramos Ltda., LAI - LaticÃnios e Agropecuária Itaguari Ltda.
- Automobiles: 461
Agricultural data 2006
- Farms: 315
- Total area: 11,282 ha.
- Area of permanent crops: 336 ha.
- Area of perennial crops: 431 ha.
- Area of natural pasture: 9,304 ha.
- Area of woodland and forests: 1,134 ha.
- Persons dependent on farming: 650
- Farms with tractors: 14
- Number of tractors: 20
- Cattle herd: 24,600 head
Health and education
- Hospitals: none
- Hospital beds: n/a
- Health establishments : 3
- Schools: 3
- Classrooms: 30
- Teachers: 51
- Number of students: 1,159
- Infant mortality rate: 82.1
- Literacy rate: 28.8
Human Development Index
Itaguai scored 0.720 on the Municipal Human Development Index, giving it a state ranking of 175
and a national ranking of 2,627. For the complete list see