Fundamental vector field

In the study of mathematics and especially differential geometry, fundamental vector fields are an instrument that describes the infinitesimal behaviour of a smooth Lie group action on a smooth manifold. Such vector fields find important applications in the study of Lie theory, symplectic geometry, and the study of Hamiltonian group actions.


Important to applications in mathematics and physics is the notion of a flow on a manifold. In particular, if is a smooth manifold and is a smooth vector field, one is interested in finding integral curves to. More precisely, given one is interested in curves such that
for which local solutions are guaranteed by the Existence and Uniqueness Theorem of Ordinary Differential Equations. If is furthermore a complete vector field, then the flow of, defined as the collection of all integral curves for, is a diffeomorphism of. The flow given by is in fact an action of the additive Lie group on.
Conversely, every smooth action defines a complete vector field via the equation
It is then a simple result that there is a bijective correspondence between actions on and complete vector fields on.
In the language of flow theory, the vector field is called the infinitesimal generator. Intuitively, the behaviour of the flow at each point corresponds to the "direction" indicated by the vector field. It is a natural question to ask whether one may establish a similar correspondence between vector fields and more arbitrary Lie group actions on.


Let be a Lie group with corresponding Lie algebra. Furthermore, let be a smooth manifold endowed with a smooth action. Denote the map such that, called the orbit map of corresponding to . For, the fundamental vector field corresponding to is any of the following equivalent definitions:
where is the differential of a smooth map and is the zero vector in the vector space.
The map can then be shown to be a Lie algebra homomorphism.


Lie groups

The Lie algebra of a Lie group may be identified with either the left- or right-invariant vector fields on. It is a well known result that such vector fields are isomorphic to, the tangent space at identity. In fact, if we let act on itself via right-multiplication, the corresponding fundamental vector fields are precisely the left-invariant vector fields.

Hamiltonian group actions

In the motivation, it was shown that there is a bijective correspondence between smooth actions and complete vector fields. Similarly, there is a bijective correspondence between symplectic actions and complete symplectic vector fields.
A closely related idea is that of Hamiltonian vector fields. Given a symplectic manifold, we say that is a Hamiltonian vector field if there exists a smooth function satisfying
where the map is the interior product. This motivatives the definition of a Hamiltonian group action as follows: If is a Lie group with Lie algebra and is a group action of on a smooth manifold, then we say that is a Hamiltonian group action if there exists a moment map such that for each,
where and is the fundamental vector field of