Francisco López Osornio

Francisco López de Osornio was a Spanish military leader who served in the militias of Buenos Aires during the Viceroyalty of Peru. He lived some time in Madrid, settling in the city of Buenos Aires around 1678, where he formed a family with a distinguished Creole lady.


Osornio was born in Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain, the son of Francisco de Osornio and Catalina López Moreno. He arrived at the Río de la Plata circa of 1678, from Spain. He married July 21, 1679 in Buenos Aires to Tomasa Merlo de la Mota, born in the city, daughter of Captain of militia Alejandro de Merlo de Lafuente and Teresa de la Mota Ardiles, born in Córdoba. He and his wife were parents of four children, Including Francisco López de Osornio Merlo and Ramón López de Osornio, powerful landowners who also served in the Tercios of the City of Buenos Aires.
Being captain of the Spanish royal armies, López Osornio took part in the military expeditions tending to control the advance of the natives against the civil populations. In 1697 his son, Francisco López de Osornio y de la Mota served as Alférez in the Ejército de Lanzas, an urban militia of Buenos Aires. Then was promoted to Captain of infantry of the Fort of Buenos Aires.
Francisco López de Osornio y Moreno received land grants and founded one of the most important families in the Río de la Plata. He was the maternal great great grandfather of Juan Manuel de Rosas.