The ship was contracted in March 1991 from Aker Yards and was commissioned in 1995 after the technological development had made the former vessels no longer covered their role. The ship is specially designed for its purpose and is designed to have low self-noise so that it does not interfere with signature measurements and has high stability so sensors can be operated from a stable platform. To achieve high stability, the ship is remarkably wide, a form referred to as "framework form". The form makes it popularly called the "iron".
Role and specifications
The ship can continue to operate even with large parts of the interior underwater, as the exact trimming of the ship is uncritical. The same applies if the cargo shifts, if the ship is exposed to icing or large amounts of water on the deck. The ship is additionally equipped to operate in arctic waters for long periods, but it is also designed for operations in other marine areas. With the high stability of the hull and the overall structure of the structure to withstand large amounts of icing, it is believed that operation in polar northern areas can last without interruption for very long periods. The ship is listed as a surveillance/intelligence vessel. Eger is also known as a spy ship and has done various spy operations throughout the years. It is a Ramform type ship-design with an unusual hull shape. The shape of the hull is characteristic with a sharp bow, sinusoidalwaterline, a descending rear body that ends in a straight cut-off stern where the ship has the largest width. Because of the very large width of the ship it will have an operational metacentric height of about 16 meters. The ship can continue to operate even with large parts of the interior under the waterline, when the ship's exact trimming is uncritical. The same goes for cargo shift, if the ship is exposed to icing or large amounts of water on deck. This makes Marjata a very stable sensor platform, she is also built with a very low noise signature, so that the ship itself does not interfere with the onboard sensors. Marjata also has large internal bay for computing and analyzing of reconnaissance data. The ramform type ships are often used for seismological surveys of the seabed. Marjata is well suited for operation in arctic conditions for prolonged periods of time.
''Marjata'' and the ''Kursk'' disaster
The various ships that have borne the name Marjata have always been looked upon with disapproval by the Russian and former Soviet, authorities. During and after the raising of the sunken Russian submarine, Norwegian authorities were criticized by the Russian side because the ship had been too aggressive and would have disrupted the work. The ship was also in the area when the accident occurred. It was located away when it registered an explosion that was interpreted as a "soft explosion". A little while later an earthquake measuring device picked up a second explosion which is thought to have occurred when Kursk hit the seabed and 5–7 torpedo warheads detonated. This secondary event was estimated to be equal to two tons of TNT. After the incident, claims emerged that Marjata had not observed any abnormalities, but the correctness of these claims has been doubted by several military sources. During the salvage of Kursk, there was also considerable disagreement about Marjatas position and actions. In general Russian authorities think the ship operates too close to Russian waters.
Service life
The ship performed surveillance and spy missions for the Norwegian Navy throughout it service time. Marjata was replaced by a new and larger ship in 2016. The new ship, the fourth Marjata, was docked at the Naval Weapons Station on the York River in the United States for the summer of 2015. After the FS Marjata IV was put into service by 2017, the FS Eger was converted into a vessel for maritime surveillance, ready for operations in the Norwegian Sea, beginning in the first half of 2017. Though the Marjata IV was supposed to replace her predecessor, FS Eger, they have been reported to have worked together on multiple missions. The vessel was therefore renamed the FS Eger.