David Matthew Ceperley is a theoretical physicist in the physics department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign or UIUC. He is a world expert in the area of Quantum Monte Carlo computations, a method of calculation that is generally recognised to provide accurate quantitative results for many-body problems described by quantum mechanics.
Ceperley's methods have turned the path-integral formulation of the quantum mechanics of strongly interacting many-particle systems into a precise tool to elucidate quantitatively the properties of electrons in solids, superfluids, and other complex quantum systems. His calculation, with Berni Alder, of the equation of state of the 3 dimensional electron gas using a stochastic method has provided basic and definitive input data for numerical applications of density functional theory to electron systems. Their joint publication is one of the most cited articles in Physical Review Letters. The Tanatar-Ceperley exchange-correlation functional is used for the 2 dimensional electron gas. Ceperley not only applied Feynman's exact mapping of superfluid 4He onto classical ring polymers but also created the algorithms to make path integration a precise calculational tool to compare theory with experiment. This method has enabled the elucidation of superfluid in terms of winding numbers and to reveal the deep relation between superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation. He derived the exact expression for tunnelling splittings in complex systems and, by computing the exchange in quantum crystals, resolved the origin of magnetism in solid 3He. He introduced the restricted path integral method to treat Fermi statistics in finite-temperature many-body quantum systems and applied this method to the normal 3He liquid and to hydrogenunder extreme conditions thus predicting the principal Hugoniot of compressed deuterium in agreement with shock wave experiments. Ceperley has pioneered novel methods for stochastic computation of quantum systems: variational Monte Carlo techniques for fermions, the fixed-node approximation and nodal release methods, the use of Metropolis steps to enforce reversibility in approximate Green's functions, the development of importance-sampled Diffusion Monte Carlo method that has largely superseded other methods, the use of twist-averaged boundary conditions to reduce systematic size errors, the extension of DMC to systems having broken time-reversal symmetry, the fixed phase method. These are essential ingredients to make the methods quantitative and accurate. Ceperley has also introduced and developed the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo, a first- principles simulation method to perform statistical calculations of finite temperature quantum nuclei using electronic energies and has established a first-order phase transition in the metal-insulator transition of liquid hydrogen. Richard Martin and Ceperley started the annual workshop series, Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods in 1989. Ceperley has also been an organiser of Summer Schools in Computational Materials Science. Videos of Ceperley's lectures on Quantum Monte Carlo methods can be found on YouTube.