
In Hindu philosophy, the antaḥkaraṇa refers to the totality of two levels of mind, namely the buddhi, the intellect or higher mind, and the manas, the middle levels of mind which exist as or include the mental body. Antaḥkaraṇa has also been called the link between the middle and higher mind, the reincarnating part of the mind.
In Vedāntic literature, this is organised into four parts:
  1. Ahaṃkāra – identifies the Atman with the body as 'I'
  2. Buddhicontrols decision making
  3. Manas – controls sankalpa
  4. Citta – deals with remembering and forgetting
Another description says that "antaḥkaraṇa" refers to the entire psychological process, including mind and emotions, are composing the mind levels, as described above, which are mentioned as a unit that functions with all parts working together as a whole. Furthermore, when considering that mind levels are bodies, they are: manomayakośa - related to manas - the part of mind related to five senses, and also craving for new and pleasant sensations and emotions, while buddhi, is related to vijñānamayakośa - the body of consciousness, knowledge, intuition and experience.
Antahkarana also refers to a symbol used in the Reiki healing method.