Abundances of the elements (data page) Earth bulk continental crust and upper continental crust C1 — Crust: CRC Handbook C2 — Crust: Kaye and Laby C3 — Crust: GreenwoodC4 — Crust: Ahrens C5 — Crust: Ahrens C6 — Crust: Ahrens U1 — Upper crust: Ahrens U2 — Upper crust: Ahrens Element C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 U1 U2 01 H hydrogen 1.40×10−3 1.520 ×10−3 02 He helium 8×10−9 03 Li lithium 2.0×10−5 2.0×10−5 1.8×10−5 1.3×10−5 1.37×10−5 2.0 ×10−5 2.2×10−5 04 Be beryllium 2.8×10−6 2.0×10−6 2×10−6 1.500 ×10−6 3.000 ×10−6 05 B boron 1.0×10−5 7.0×10−6 9×10−6 1.0000 ×10−5 1.5000 ×10−5 06 C carbon 2.00×10−4 1.80 ×10−4 3.76×10−3 07 N nitrogen 1.9×10−5 2.0×10−5 1.9×10−5 08 O oxygen 4.61×10−1 3.7×10−1 4.55000 ×10−1 09 F fluorine 5.85×10−4 4.6×10−4 5.44×10−4 5.25×10−4 10 Ne neon 5×10−9 11 Na sodium 2.36×10−2 2.3×10−2 2.2700 ×10−2 2.3000 ×10−2 2.4400 ×10−2 3.1000 ×10−2 2.89×10−2 2.57×10−2 12 Mg magnesium 2.33×10−2 2.8×10−2 2.7640 ×10−2 3.20×10−2 2.37×10−2 1.69×10−2 1.33×10−2 1.35×10−2 13 Al aluminium 8.23×10−2 8.0×10−2 8.3000 ×10−2 8.4100 ×10−2 8.3050 ×10−2 8.5200 ×10−2 8.0400 ×10−2 7.7400 ×10−2 14 Si silicon 2.82×10−1 2.7×10−1 2.72000 ×10−1 2.677×10−1 2.81×10−1 2.95×10−1 3.08×10−1 3.04×10−1 15 P phosphorus 1.05×10−3 1.0×10−3 1.120 ×10−3 7.63×10−4 8.30 ×10−4 16 S sulfur 3.50×10−4 3.0×10−4 3.40 ×10−4 8.81×10−4 17 Cl chlorine 1.45×10−4 1.9×10−4 1.26×10−4 1.900 ×10−3 18 Ar argon 3.5×10−6 19 K potassium 2.09×10−2 1.7×10−2 1.8400 ×10−2 9.100 ×10−3 1.7600 ×10−2 1.7000 ×10−2 2.8000 ×10−2 2.5700 ×10−2 20 Ca calcium 4.15×10−2 5.1×10−2 4.6600 ×10−2 5.2900 ×10−2 4.9200 ×10−2 3.4000 ×10−2 3.0000 ×10−2 2.9500 ×10−2 21 Sc scandium 2.2×10−5 2.2×10−5 2.5×10−5 3.0 ×10−5 2.14×10−5 1.1×10−5 7×10−6 22 Ti titanium 5.65×10−3 8.6×10−3 6.320 ×10−3 5.400 ×10−3 5.250 ×10−3 3.600 ×10−3 3.000 ×10−3 3.120 ×10−3 23 V vanadium 1.20×10−4 1.7×10−4 1.36×10−4 2.30 ×10−4 1.34×10−4 6.0 ×10−5 5.3×10−5 24 Cr chromium 1.02×10−4 9.6×10−5 1.22×10−4 1.85×10−4 1.46×10−4 5.6×10−5 3.5×10−5 3.5×10−5 25 Mn manganese 9.50×10−4 1.0×10−3 1.060 ×10−3 1.400 ×10−3 8.47×10−4 1.000 ×10−3 6.00 ×10−4 5.27×10−4 26 Fe iron 5.63×10−2 5.8×10−2 6.2000 ×10−2 7.07×10−2 4.92×10−2 3.8×10−2 3.50×10−2 3.09×10−2 27 Co cobalt 2.5×10−5 2.8×10−5 2.9×10−5 2.9×10−5 2.54×10−5 1.0 ×10−5 1.2×10−5 28 Ni nickel 8.4×10−5 7.2×10−5 9.9×10−5 1.05×10−4 6.95×10−5 3.5×10−5 2×10−5 1.9×10−5 29 Cu copper 6.0×10−5 5.8×10−5 6.8×10−5 7.5×10−5 4.7×10−5 2.5×10−5 1.4×10−5 30 Zn zinc 7.0×10−5 8.2×10−5 7.6×10−5 8.0 ×10−5 7.6×10−5 7.1×10−5 5.2×10−5 31 Ga gallium 1.9×10−5 1.7×10−5 1.9×10−5 1.8×10−5 1.86×10−5 1.7×10−5 1.4×10−5 32 Ge germanium 1.5×10−6 1.3×10−6 1.5×10−6 1.6×10−6 1.32×10−6 1.6×10−6 33 As arsenic 1.8×10−6 2.0×10−6 1.8×10−6 1.0×10−6 2.03×10−6 1.5×10−6 34 Se selenium 5×10−8 5×10−8 5×10−8 5×10−8 1.53×10−7 5×10−8 35 Br bromine 2.4×10−6 4.0×10−6 2.5×10−6 6.95×10−6 36 Kr krypton 1×10−10 37 Rb rubidium 9.0×10−5 7.0×10−5 7.8×10−5 3.2×10−5 7.90×10−5 6.1×10−5 1.12×10−4 1.10 ×10−4 38 Sr strontium 3.70×10−4 4.5×10−4 3.84×10−4 2.60 ×10−4 2.93×10−4 5.03×10−4 3.50 ×10−4 3.16×10−4 39 Y yttrium 3.3×10−5 3.5×10−7 3.1×10−5 2.0 ×10−5 1.4×10−5 2.2×10−5 2.1×10−5 40 Zr zirconium 1.65×10−4 1.4×10−4 1.62×10−4 1.00 ×10−4 2.10 ×10−4 1.90 ×10−4 2.40 ×10−4 41 Nb niobium 2.0×10−5 2.0×10−5 2.0 ×10−5 1.1000 ×10−5 1.3000 ×10−5 2.5000 ×10−5 2.6000 ×10−5 42 Mo molybdenum 1.2×10−6 1.2×10−6 1.2×10−6 1.000 ×10−6 1.500 ×10−6 43 Tc technetium 44 Ru ruthenium 1×10−9 1×10−10 45 Rh rhodium 1×10−9 1×10−10 46 Pd palladium 1.5×10−8 3×10−9 1.5×10−8 1.0×10−9 5×10−10 47 Ag silver 7.5×10−8 8×10−8 8×10−8 8.0 ×10−8 6.95×10−8 5.0 ×10−8 48 Cd cadmium 1.5×10−7 1.8×10−7 1.6×10−7 9.8×10−8 1.00 ×10−7 9.8×10−8 49 In indium 2.5×10−7 2×10−7 2.4×10−7 5.0 ×10−8 6.95×10−8 5.0 ×10−8 50 Sn tin 2.3×10−6 1.5×10−6 2.1×10−6 2.500 ×10−6 5.500 ×10−6 51 Sb antimony 2×10−7 2×10−7 2×10−7 2.00 ×10−7 2.03×10−7 2.00 ×10−7 52 Te tellurium 1×10−9 1×10−9 2.03×10−9 53 I iodine 4.5×10−7 5×10−7 4.6×10−7 1.540 ×10−6 54 Xe xenon 3×10−11 55 Cs caesium 3×10−6 1.6×10−6 2.6×10−6 1.000 ×10−6 1.310 ×10−6 3.700 ×10−6 56 Ba barium 4.25×10−4 3.8×10−4 3.90 ×10−4 2.50000 ×10−4 5.42000 ×10−4 7.07000 ×10−4 5.50000 ×10−4 1.070000 ×10−3 57 La lanthanum 3.9×10−5 5.0×10−5 3.5×10−5 1.6000 ×10−5 2.9000 ×10−5 2.8000 ×10−5 3.0000 ×10−5 3.200 ×10−6 58 Ce cerium 6.65×10−5 8.3×10−5 6.6×10−5 3.3000 ×10−5 5.4200 ×10−5 5.7000 ×10−5 6.4000 ×10−5 6.5000 ×10−5 59 Pr praseodymium 9.2×10−6 1.3×10−5 9.1×10−6 3.900 ×10−6 7.100 ×10−6 60 Nd neodymium 4.15×10−5 4.4×10−5 4.0 ×10−5 1.6000 ×10−5 2.5400 ×10−5 2.3000 ×10−5 2.6000 ×10−5 2.6000 ×10−5 61 Pm promethium 62 Sm samarium 7.05×10−6 7.7×10−6 7.0×10−6 3.500 ×10−6 5.590 ×10−6 4.100 ×10−6 4.500 ×10−6 4.500 ×10−6 63 Eu europium 2.0×10−6 2.2×10−6 2.1×10−6 1.100 ×10−6 1.407×10−6 1.090 ×10−6 8.80 ×10−7 9.40 ×10−7 64 Gd gadolinium 6.2×10−6 6.3×10−6 6.1×10−6 3.300 ×10−6 8.140 ×10−6 3.800 ×10−6 2.800 ×10−6 65 Tb terbium 1.2×10−6 1.0×10−6 1.2×10−6 6.00 ×10−7 1.020 ×10−6 5.30 ×10−7 6.40 ×10−7 4.80 ×10−7 66 Dy dysprosium 5.2×10−6 8.5×10−6 3.700 ×10−6 6.102×10−6 3.500 ×10−6 67 Ho holmium 1.3×10−6 1.6×10−6 1.3×10−6 7.80 ×10−7 1.860 ×10−6 8.00 ×10−7 6.20 ×10−7 68 Er erbium 3.5×10−6 3.6×10−6 3.5×10−6 2.200 ×10−6 3.390 ×10−6 2.300 ×10−6 69 Tm thulium 5.2×10−7 5.2×10−7 5×10−7 3.20 ×10−7 2.40 ×10−7 3.30 ×10−7 70 Yb ytterbium 3.2×10−6 3.4×10−6 3.1×10−6 2.200 ×10−6 3.390 ×10−6 1.530 ×10−6 2.200 ×10−6 1.500 ×10−6 71 Lu lutetium 8×10−7 8×10−7 3.00 ×10−7 5.76×10−7 2.30 ×10−7 3.20 ×10−7 2.30 ×10−7 72 Hf hafnium 3.0×10−6 4×10−6 2.8×10−6 3.000 ×10−6 3.460 ×10−6 4.700 ×10−6 5.800 ×10−6 5.800 ×10−6 73 Ta tantalum 2.0×10−6 2.4×10−6 1.7×10−6 1.000 ×10−6 2.203×10−6 2.200 ×10−6 74 W tungsten 1.25×10−6 1.0×10−6 1.2×10−6 1.000 ×10−6 1.310 ×10−6 2.000 ×10−6 75 Re rhenium 7×10−10 4×10−10 7×10−10 5×10−10 1.02×10−9 5×10−10 76 Os osmium 1.5×10−9 2×10−10 5×10−9 1.02×10−9 77 Ir iridium 1×10−9 2×10−10 1×10−9 1×10−10 1.02×10−9 2×10−11 78 Pt platinum 5×10−9 1×10−8 79 Au gold 4×10−9 2×10−9 4×10−9 3.0×10−9 4.07×10−9 1.8×10−9 80 Hg mercury 8.5×10−8 2×10−8 8×10−8 81 Tl thallium 8.5×10−7 4.7×10−7 7×10−7 3.60 ×10−7 7.50 ×10−7 5.20 ×10−7 82 Pb lead 1.4×10−5 1.0×10−5 1.3×10−5 8.000 ×10−6 1.5000 ×10−5 2.0000 ×10−5 1.7000 ×10−5 83 Bi bismuth 8.5×10−9 4×10−9 8×10−9 6.0 ×10−8 1.27×10−7 84 Po polonium 2×10−16 85 At astatine 86 Rn radon 4×10−19 87 Fr francium 88 Ra radium 9×10−13 89 Ac actinium 5.5×10−16 90 Th thorium 9.6×10−6 5.8×10−6 8.1×10−6 3.500 ×10−6 5.700 ×10−6 1.0700 ×10−5 1.0000 ×10−5 91 Pa protactinium 1.4×10−12 92 U uranium 2.7×10−6 1.6×10−6 2.3×10−6 9.10 ×10−7 1.200 ×10−6 1.300 ×10−6 2.800 ×10−6 2.500 ×10−6 93 Np neptunium 94 Pu plutonium
Urban soils The established abundances of chemical elements in urban soils can be considered a geochemical characteristic, the accumulated impact of :en:wiktionary:technogenic|technogenic and natural processes at the beginning of the 21st century . The figures estimate average concentrations of chemical elements in the soils of more than 300 cities and settlements in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. Regardless of significant differences between abundances of several elements in urban soils and those values calculated for the Earth's crust , the element abundances in urban soils generally reflect those in the Earth's crust. With the development of technology the abundances may be refined.Mass fraction , in mg/kg.Element Atomic number Abundance in urban soils Ag 47 0.37 Al 13 38200 As 33 15.9 B 5 45 Ba 56 853.12 Be 4 3.3 Bi 83 1.12 C 6 45100 Ca 20 53800 Cd 48 0.9 Cl 17 285 Co 27 14.1 Cr 24 80 Cs 55 5.0 Cu 29 39 Fe 26 22300 Ga 31 16.2 Ge 32 1.8 H 1 15000 Hg 80 0.88 K 19 13400 La 57 34 Li 3 49.5 Mg 12 7900 Mn 25 729 Mo 42 2.4 N 7 10000 Na 11 5800 Nb 41 15.7 Ni 28 33 O 8 490000 P 15 1200 Pb 82 54.5 Rb 37 58 S 16 1200 Sb 51 1.0 Sc 21 9.4 Si 14 289000 Sn 50 6.8 Sr 38 458 Ta 73 1.5 Ti 22 4758 Tl 81 1.1 V 23 104.9 W 74 2.9 Y 39 23.4 Yb 70 2.4 Zn 30 158 Zr 40 255.6
Sea water Mass per volume fraction , in kg/L. Element W1 W2 01 H hydrogen 1.08×10−1 1.1×10−1 02 He helium 7×10−12 7.2×10−12 03 Li lithium 1.8×10−7 1.7×10−7 04 Be beryllium 5.6×10−12 6×10−13 05 B boron 4.44×10−6 4.4×10−6 06 C carbon 2.8×10−5 2.8×10−5 07 N nitrogen 5×10−7 1.6×10−5 08 O oxygen 8.57×10−1 8.8×10−1 09 F fluorine 1.3×10−6 1.3×10−6 10 Ne neon 1.2×10−10 1.2×10−10 11 Na sodium 1.08×10−2 1.1×10−2 12 Mg magnesium 1.29×10−3 1.3×10−3 13 Al aluminium 2×10−9 1×10−9 14 Si silicon 2.2×10−6 2.9×10−6 15 P phosphorus 6×10−8 8.8×10−8 16 S sulfur 9.05×10−4 9.0×10−4 17 Cl chlorine 1.94×10−2 1.9×10−2 18 Ar argon 4.5×10−7 4.5×10−7 19 K potassium 3.99×10−4 3.9×10−4 20 Ca calcium 4.12×10−4 4.1×10−4 21 Sc scandium 6×10−13 < 4×10−12 22 Ti titanium 1×10−9 1×10−9 23 V vanadium 2.5×10−9 1.9×10−9 24 Cr chromium 3×10−10 2×10−10 25 Mn manganese 2×10−10 1.9×10−9 26 Fe iron 2×10−9 3.4×10−9 27 Co cobalt 2×10−11 3.9×10−10 28 Ni nickel 5.6×10−10 6.6×10−9 29 Cu copper 2.5×10−10 2.3×10−8 30 Zn zinc 4.9×10−9 1.1×10−8 31 Ga gallium 3×10−11 3×10−11 32 Ge germanium 5×10−11 6×10−11 33 As arsenic 3.7×10−9 2.6×10−9 34 Se selenium 2×10−10 9.0×10−11 35 Br bromine 6.73×10−5 6.7×10−5 36 Kr krypton 2.1×10−10 2.1×10−10 37 Rb rubidium 1.2×10−7 1.2×10−7 38 Sr strontium 7.9×10−6 8.1×10−6 39 Y yttrium 1.3×10−11 1.3×10−12 40 Zr zirconium 3×10−11 2.6×10−11 41 Nb niobium 1×10−11 1.5×10−11 42 Mo molybdenum 1×10−8 1.0×10−8 43 Tc technetium 44 Ru ruthenium 7×10−13 45 Rh rhodium 46 Pd palladium 47 Ag silver 4×10−11 2.8×10−10 48 Cd cadmium 1.1×10−10 1.1×10−10 49 In indium 2×10−8 50 Sn tin 4×10−12 8.1×10−10 51 Sb antimony 2.4×10−10 3.3×10−10 52 Te tellurium 53 I iodine 6×10−8 6.4×10−8 54 Xe xenon 5×10−11 4.7×10−11 55 Cs caesium 3×10−10 3.0×10−10 56 Ba barium 1.3×10−8 2.1×10−8 57 La lanthanum 3.4×10−12 3.4×10−12 58 Ce cerium 1.2×10−12 1.2×10−12 59 Pr praseodymium 6.4×10−13 6.4×10−13 60 Nd neodymium 2.8×10−12 2.8×10−12 61 Pm promethium 62 Sm samarium 4.5×10−13 4.5×10−13 63 Eu europium 1.3×10−13 1.3×10−13 64 Gd gadolinium 7×10−13 7.0×10−13 65 Tb terbium 1.4×10−13 1.4×10−12 66 Dy dysprosium 9.1×10−13 9.1×10−13 67 Ho holmium 2.2×10−13 2.2×10−13 68 Er erbium 8.7×10−13 8.7×10−12 69 Tm thulium 1.7×10−13 1.7×10−13 70 Yb ytterbium 8.2×10−13 8.2×10−13 71 Lu lutetium 1.5×10−13 1.5×10−13 72 Hf hafnium 7×10−12 < 8×10−12 73 Ta tantalum 2×10−12 < 2.5×10−12 74 W tungsten 1×10−10 < 1×10−12 75 Re rhenium 4×10−12 76 Os osmium 77 Ir iridium 78 Pt platinum 79 Au gold 4×10−12 1.1×10−11 80 Hg mercury 3×10−11 1.5×10−10 81 Tl thallium 1.9×10−11 82 Pb lead 3×10−11 3×10−11 83 Bi bismuth 2×10−11 2×10−11 84 Po polonium 1.5×10−20 85 At astatine 86 Rn radon 6×10−22 87 Fr francium 88 Ra radium 8.9×10−17 89 Ac actinium 90 Th thorium 1×10−12 1.5×10−12 91 Pa protactinium 5×10−17 92 U uranium 3.2×10−9 3.3×10−9 93 Np neptunium 94 Pu plutonium
S1 — Sun: Kaye & LabyY1 — Solar system: Kaye & LabyY2 — Solar system: Ahrens, with uncertainty s Atom mole fraction relative to silicon = 1.Element S1 Y1 Y2 01 H hydrogen 2.8×104 2.8×104 * 2.79×104 02 He helium 2.7×103 2.7×103 * 2.72×103 03 Li lithium 4.0×10−7 5.7×10−5 5.71×10−5 04 Be beryllium 4.0×10−7 7.0×10−7 7.30×10−7 05 B boron 1.1×10−5 2.1×10−5 2.12×10−5 06 C carbon 1.0×101 1.0×101 * 1.01×101 07 N nitrogen 3.1×100 3.1×100 * 3.13×100 08 O oxygen 2.4×101 2.4×101 * 2.38×101 09 F fluorine about 1.0×10−3 8.5×10−4 8.43×10−4 10 Ne neon 3.0×100 3.0×100 * 3.44×100 11 Na sodium 6.0×10−2 5.7×10−2 5.74×10−2 12 Mg magnesium 1.0×100 1.1×100 1.074×100 13 Al aluminium 8.3×10−2 8.5×10−2 8.49×10−2 14 Si silicon 1.0×100 1.0×100 1.0×100 15 P phosphorus 8.0×10−3 1.0×10−2 1.04×10−2 16 S sulfur 4.5×10−1 5.2×10−1 5.15×10−1 17 Cl chlorine about 9.0×10−3 5.2×10−3 5.24×10−3 18 Ar argon 1.0×10−1 * 1.0×10−1 * 1.01×10−1 19 K potassium 3.7×10−3 3.8×10−3 3.77×10−3 20 Ca calcium 6.4×10−2 6.1×10−2 6.11×10−2 21 Sc scandium 3.5×10−5 3.4×10−5 3.42×10−5 22 Ti titanium 2.7×10−3 2.4×10−3 2.40×10−3 23 V vanadium 2.8×10−4 2.9×10−4 2.93×10−4 24 Cr chromium 1.3×10−2 1.3×10−2 1.35×10−2 25 Mn manganese 6.9×10−3 9.5×10−3 9.55×10−3 26 Fe iron 9.0×10−1 9.0×10−1 9.00×10−1 27 Co cobalt 2.3×10−3 2.3×10−3 2.25×10−3 28 Ni nickel 5.0×10−2 5.0×10−2 4.93×10−2 29 Cu copper 4.5×10−4 5.2×10−4 5.22×10−4 30 Zn zinc 1.1×10−3 1.3×10−3 1.26×10−3 31 Ga gallium 2.1×10−5 3.8×10−5 3.78×10−5 32 Ge germanium 7.2×10−5 1.2×10−4 1.19×10−4 33 As arsenic 6.6×10−6 6.56×10−6 34 Se selenium 6.3×10−5 6.21×10−5 35 Br bromine 1.2×10−5 1.18×10−5 36 Kr krypton 4.8×10−5 4.50×10−5 37 Rb rubidium 1.1×10−5 7.0×10−6 7.09×10−6 38 Sr strontium 2.2×10−5 2.4×10−5 2.35×10−5 39 Y yttrium 4.9×10−6 4.6×10−6 4.64×10−6 40 Zr zirconium 1.12×10−5 1.14×10−5 1.14×10−5 41 Nb niobium 7.0×10−7 7.0×10−7 6.98×10−7 42 Mo molybdenum 2.3×10−6 2.6×10−6 2.55×10−6 43 Tc technetium 44 Ru ruthenium 1.9×10−6 1.9×10−6 1.86×10−6 45 Rh rhodium 4.0×10−7 3.4×10−7 3.44×10−7 46 Pd palladium 1.4×10−6 1.4×10−6 1.39×10−6 47 Ag silver about 2.0×10−7 4.9×10−7 4.86×10−7 48 Cd cadmium 2.0×10−6 1.6×10−6 1.61×10−6 49 In indium about 1.3×10−6 1.9×10−7 1.84×10−7 50 Sn tin about 3.0×10−6 3.9×10−6 3.82×10−6 51 Sb antimony about 3.0×10−7 3.1×10−7 3.09×10−7 52 Te tellurium 4.9×10−6 4.81×10−6 53 I iodine 9.0×10−7 9.00×10−7 54 Xe xenon 4.8×10−6 4.70×10−6 55 Cs caesium 3.7×10−7 3.72×10−7 56 Ba barium 3.8×10−6 4.5×10−6 4.49×10−6 57 La lanthanum 5.0×10−7 4.4×10−7 4.46×10−7 58 Ce cerium 1.0×10−6 1.1×10−6 1.136×10−6 59 Pr praseodymium 1.4×10−7 1.7×10−7 1.669×10−7 60 Nd neodymium 9.0×10−7 8.3×10−7 8.279×10−7 61 Pm promethium 62 Sm samarium 3.0×10−7 2.6×10−7 2.582×10−7 63 Eu europium 9.0×10−8 9.7×10−8 9.73×10−8 64 Gd gadolinium 3.7×10−7 3.3×10−7 3.30×10−7 65 Tb terbium about 2.0×10−8 6.0×10−8 6.03×10−8 66 Dy dysprosium 3.5×10−7 4.0×10−7 3.942×10−7 67 Ho holmium about 5.0×10−8 8.9×10−8 8.89×10−8 68 Er erbium 2.4×10−7 2.5×10−7 2.508×10−7 69 Tm thulium about 3.0×10−8 3.8×10−8 3.78×10−8 70 Yb ytterbium 3.4×10−7 2.5×10−7 2.479×10−7 71 Lu lutetium about 1.5×10−7 3.7×10−8 3.67×10−8 72 Hf hafnium 2.1×10−7 1.5×10−7 1.54×10−7 73 Ta tantalum 3.8×10−8 2.07×10−8 74 W tungsten about 3.6×10−7 1.3×10−7 1.33×10−7 75 Re rhenium 5.0×10−8 5.17×10−8 76 Os osmium 8.0×10−7 6.7×10−7 6.75×10−7 77 Ir iridium 6.0×10−7 6.6×10−7 6.61×10−7 78 Pt platinum about 1.8×10−6 1.34×10−6 1.34×10−6 79 Au gold about 3.0×10−7 1.9×10−7 1.87×10−7 80 Hg mercury 3.4×10−7 3.40×10−7 81 Tl thallium about 2.0×10−7 1.9×10−7 1.84×10−7 82 Pb lead 2.0×10−6 3.1×10−6 3.15×10−6 83 Bi bismuth 1.4×10−7 1.44×10−7 84 Po polonium 85 At astatine 86 Rn radon 87 Fr francium 88 Ra radium 89 Ac actinium 90 Th thorium 5.0×10−8 4.5×10−8 3.35×10−8 91 Pa protactinium 92 U uranium 1.8×10−8 9.00×10−9 93 Np neptunium 94 Pu plutonium
CRC Handbook From these sources in an online version of David R. Lide, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics , 85th Edition . CRC Press. Boca Raton , Florida. Section 14 , Geophysics, Astronomy, and Acoustics; Abundance of Elements in the Earth's Crust and in the Sea:Kaye & Laby National Physical Laboratory , Kaye and Laby Tables of Physical & Chemical Constants . , B.E.J. PagelGreenwood A. Earnshaw, N. Greenwood, Chemistry of the Elements , 2nd edition, Butterworth-Heinemann ,. Appendix 4, Abundance of Elements in Crustal Rocks.Ahrens Urban soils
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