Yume Tsukai

Yume Tsukai is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riichi Ueshiba. The series is a spin-off of Ueshiba's earlier manga Discommunication. It was made into an anime television series produced by Madhouse that aired on some UHF stations and ABC Television.


The series revolves around dream masters who turn nightmares into peaceful dreams. On behalf of their clients they go around searching for nightmares which have escaped the mind of the owner and have manifested themselves into the real world, causing havoc. The nightmares are a paranormal phenomenon which have the appearance of poltergeist activity. The dream masters' goal is to defeat the nightmares, and returning them to their respective owners as pacified dreams. However, the dream masters do not interfere with an owner's life, and the owner is left to deal with the source of the nightmare. The show is characterised by haunting music, strange ghost like nightmares and the transformation of children's toys known as "play offerings" into weaponry and monsters.
Unlike the anime, the manga is a lot more in-depth with the cases, for example, the first case takes up the entire first three volumes. Also, they don't just pacify nightmares and expel them from the real world, but instead they take all sorts of cases, where no dreaming is involved, but their power is required.


Dream Users

; Touko Mishima - Nichiyousei Yume Tsukai
; Rinko Mishima - Kayousei Yume Tsukai
; Hajime Tachibana- Kinyousei Yume Tsukai
; Satoka Sagawa - Doyousei Yume Tsukai
; Misako Mishima