Young Leaders (The Scout Association)

Young Leaders are Explorer Scouts who choose to provide leadership in Beaver Scout Colonies, Cub Scout Packs or Scout Troops alongside adult volunteers as a part of the leadership team. Training of Young Leaders is achieved through eleven lettered modules covering the necessary skills to play an active part of the leadership team, with members challenged to apply what they have learned through four 'missions' in their sections.
Recognition of the scheme is achieved through a series of badges and culminates in the Young Leader belt buckle award which is worn with their uniform. The Young Leaders Badge is awarded upon the completion of the compulsory training module and is surrounded by one of four mission badges as each 'mission' is completed; the buckle is awarded only through the completion of every module and mission. The scheme has been popular with young people looking to volunteer in their community. Since its launch in 2002, the scheme has grown from 1,245 young leaders to 10,394 a decade later with transferable skills being highlighted as a benefit.


The Young Leader's scheme emerged in the early 21st century from the newly introduced Explorer Scouts programme for 14 to 18 year olds, which was formally launched in 2002 following six years of reviews looking at the future of the movement and the youth programme. The full scheme launched in 2003, allowing Explorer Scouts and those of a similar age to volunteer with the younger sections as part of the leadership team. Training was split into self-contained modules, lettered for identification, to match the refresh in the adult volunteer training scheme that was launched in September of that year. Completion of the first module awarded the Young Leader with the diamond shaped badge, dark blue in colour with a purple border and 'YL' in the centre, while completion of the missions that put the learnt skills into action was recognised through a further trapezium-shaped badge being awarded that was placed around the edge of the original award. Completion of the full scheme, including all missions and modules completed, resulted in the award of the Young Leader's belt buckle to be worn with uniform.
The scheme was an unexpected success and the number of Explorer Scouts volunteering as Young Leaders had reached 10,394 by 2012, within the first 10 years of the scheme. That year the contribution made by Young Leaders was recognised by the Scout Association in evidence provided to Parliament's Education Select Committee linked to services to young people and the then current ideology of the big society. In it, the Scouts supported the creation of a National Citizen Service, believing that graduates of the scheme may seek to continue volunteering as a Young Leader while describing the benefits of the scheme saying that "It is our view that this exposes young people to a culture of volunteering at an early age and encourages them to take active leadership roles in their communities."
In 2015 the wider Scout programme was refreshed which included the Young Leader's scheme with the modules receiving updated content and delivery methods. The design of the badges and awards was also updated to an acorn and oak leaves to reflect the Gilwell Oak and the role of Young Leaders as future leaders of the movement. The Young Leader belt buckle was also added to the adult uniform and a recognition badge for the adult uniform added to mark a young person's time as a young leader upon becoming an adult leader.

Membership and organisation

Members of The Scout Association's Explorer Scout section are able to become Young Leaders, instead of or in addition to the normal Explorer Scout programme, between the core ages of 14 and 18 years of age although they can join from 13.5 years of age. These full Explorer Scout Young Leaders wear the Explorer Scout uniform and make the promise like any other Explorer Scout as well as being able to take part in the full Explorer Scout programme.
In addition, 14 to 18 year old members of Girlguiding and 14 to 18 year old young people completing The Duke of Edinburgh's Award can become Young Leaders to complete the volunteering elements of their awards. They must complete training like other young leaders but cannot access the wider Explorer Scout programme and can only volunteer for a fixed amount of time.
The Young Leaders of a District are considered to be in a separate Explorer Scout Unit, and are under the supervision of an Explorer Scout Leader, although this may not always be the case, in which case the District Explorer Scout Commissioner or District Commissioner takes on this responsibility. A Young Leaders' Unit might have its own weekly programme, separate to other Units within the District, or may only provide training and possibly some other events in the year.



Young Leaders have a training programme, similar to that of adult leaders, comprising 11 self contained modules. These can be run individually over a longer time frame or combined into a longer course. These modules also count towards part of their Wood Badge if they choose to become an adult in Scouting at the age of 18, counting as prior-learning.
There are also four missions for Young Leaders to complete, which involve running games and activities for their relevant section. The purpose of the missions is to apply what has been learnt in their sections day to day, similar to the validation phase of adult Scout leader training. Upon completing each mission, an additional badge can be added around the edge of the standard Young Leader badge. Upon completing all modules and missions, Young Leaders are entitled to wear a Young Leader belt buckle to recognise this achievement.
Part of the scheme's appeal is that volunteering with the Scouts as a Young Leader can contribute towards completing other awards and schemes by other youth organisations.