Young Democrats for Europe

The Young Democrats for Europe is the youth wing of the European Democratic Party. The seat of the organisation is Brussels.


It was announced on 9 May 2007, the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, and formally established at its first Conference on 22 September 2007 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The founding members are the youth wings of the seven EDP founding parties:
In 2008, the 1st Congress of YDE was held and Andrea Casu was elected as President, Ophélie Spanneut as Vice President, Justina Vitkauskaite as Secretary General and Xanthi Kapsosideri as Treasurer.
On 1 July 2011 there was the celebration of the 2nd Congress of YDE in the European Parliament in Brussels. There was the election of the new Bureau to drive the organisation towards ambitious political challenges in Europe. Marco Cappa was elected as President. He was helped in his mission by three Vice Presidents: Helene Courade, Donata Janusauskaite, and Marios Kaminarides. The Secretary General chosen by the Congress was Miren Martiarena. She was supported by the Vice Secretary General Lisa Gualtieri. The Treasurer was Adeline Blais.
The congress approved the entry of new full member organisations: Mladi Europania, Demokraticke Forum Mladeze, Związek Młodzieży Demokratycznej.
On 22 March 2014, YDE President Marco Cappa resigned.
In July 2014, UDI Jeunes joined YDE as observing member.
In September 2014, the 3rd Congress was held in Bilbao. A new Board was elected with Miroslava Demkova as President, Mathieu Camescasse as Secretary General, Johannes Meiners as Treasurer, and Jeremy Coste as Spokesperson. They will be helped by 4 Vice-Presidents and 2 policy officers.
Two organisations joined YDE as full members at this Congress: UDI Jeunes from France, and Youth of National Forum from Croatia.
In October 2016, the 4th Congress was held in Paris. Antoine Carette was elected as President and a new member organisation - Union of Centrists' Youth - from Greece joined the organisation.
In June 2018, the 5th Congress was held in Brussels. Begoña Garteizaurrekoa was elected as President.


Full members

Observing members

Former members