Yeh Vaada Raha (TV series)

Yeh Vaada Raha is a Hindi-language Indian television drama series that aired on Zee TV from September 21, 2015 to 20 January 2017. It is an spin off of Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani where the main characters, Karthik and Survi were shown in their previous birth and they are now reborn as Karthik and Survi. The show initially focussed on the love story of Survi. However the show then took an eight-year leap after Survi's death and her daughter, Khushi, who was seven years old, has grown up and marries Abeer, the new male lead of the show.


Survi Mohite is a nine-year-old logically thinking girl raised by her single father Shrikant; she is mature and responsible. Kartik Barve is a 19-year-old boy; childish and impulsive, he lives with his mother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousins.
In an unfortunate event, the police shoots Kartik's elder uncle Digambar who dies. Digambar's wife Kamla blames Shrikant for his death and vows revenge against him who is forced to flee to Dubai with Survi. Kartik promises Kamla that he will take care of her family.

Four years later

Kartik is rich, having decided to bring Survi to his house as he always had great respect for Shrikant who he promised to care for Survi. She becomes aware of Kamla's evil intentions that she only wants Kartik's property. Kamla tells Survi that she will not harm Kartik if she leaves.
Survi agrees to Kamla's condition and leaves. Kartik's mother Lata discovers Kamla's truth. Kamla pushes Lata off the roof and frames Survi for it. Blindly believing Kamla, Kartik starts hating Survi.

Eight years later

Survi has grown up to be a nurse while Kartik is a cold-hearted alcoholic due to her so-called betrayal. She needs money for Shrikant's surgery and decides to take Kamla's help but ends up meeting Kartik who makes her stay for Lata's sake but treats her badly.
Kamla's son Aniket falls in love with Survi. Kartik finds out Survi was innocent and realizes he loves her. Survi announces her wedding with Aniket, but he runs away on the day of their wedding. Kartik weds Survi to protect her dignity and she is shocked.
Survi plans to expose Kamla and soon succeeds. Kartik kicks off Kamla out of house but leaves all his property to her and leaves the house. Kartik starts to work as a mechanic. A rich Meher Khanna falls for him. Kamla tries to use Meher to separate Kartik and Survi.
Meher's brother Ranveer forces Kartik to marry her. Survi finds out she is pregnant. Soon, Meher and Ranveer are arrested. Later, Kamla pretends to have lost her memory.
Survi gives birth to Khushi Barve. Kamla and her hired goons kidnap Khushi before Survi sees her daughter. They send a cloth with blood stains, which Survi believes to be Khushi's blood and thus holds herself responsible for this.
Kartik and Survi separate, presuming Khushi dead. On a train, one of the kidnappers unknowingly hands Khushi to Survi. Survi adopts her and names her Khushi, unaware that she is her biological daughter.

Seven years later

Khushi lives with Survi and runs into Kartik before they start bonding. Kamla finds out that Khushi is in fact Kartik and Survi's biological daughter before deciding to use her for creating rift between the couple.
Khushi's identity come out as Kartik and Survi argue. Survi makes Kartik realize that they are not to blame for what happened seven years ago, and thus the three reunite. Kamla is arrested but vows vengeance.
Kartik meets the mysterious Iccha: Aniket's current love and who Aniket wants to marry. He thinks Iccha is a spirit and Survi exposes her after knowing about her. Kamla escapes and makes Kartik mentally challenged who mistakes her to be his mom.
It is revealed that Kartik has a long-lost twin brother Krishna, who creates problems for short time on his return. Stressed with Survi and Kartik, Kamla tries to kill them. All family members except Khushi die.
Kamla stabs Survi and leaves her to die. Survi is rushed to the hospital. In hospital, Khushi promises her mother that she will take care of the mentally deranged Kartik. Survi falls to her death.

Fifteen years later

A grown-up Khushi has become exactly like Survi and takes care of Kartik. She clashes with a playboy namely Abeer Dharmadhikari. The two opposite personalities always rift before reaching a village and getting married forcibly. However Abeer's parents Pratap and Kamini refuse to accept Khushi.
After lots of ups and down, Abeer and Khushi fall in love. Kamla returns to kill Kartik and Khushi, but the police arrest her. The series ends with Khushi being accepted by her in-laws and everyone living happily ever after.


