Yavuz Ali Pasha

Yavuz Ali Pasha or Malkoç Ali Pasha was an Ottoman statesman. He belonged to the Malkoçoglu family and served as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 16 October 1603 to 26 July 1604. He had previously served as the Ottoman governor of Egypt from 1601 to 1603. His installation as Grand Vizier took place on 29 December 1603, over two months after his appointment and a week after the accession of Ahmed I, due to the time it took him to settle affairs in Egypt and travel to Constantinople. He brought with him two years' worth of the province's back taxes.
In the summer of 1604 he left the capital to take up command of Ottoman forces in the on-going war against the Habsburgs. He fell sick on the journey and died in Belgrade on 26 July 1604.