Yangon University of Foreign Languages

The Yangon University of Foreign Languages , located in Yangon, is the leading university for the study of foreign languages in Myanmar. The university offers full-time four-year bachelor's degree programs, and part-time diploma programs in the study of several Asian and European languages. The university is popular with students interested in careers in the tourism industry or finding work overseas.The university is one of the leading universities of Myanmar and admits approximately 800 students annually based on their University Entrance Examination scores.
The rector is Dr. Kyi Shwin and pro-rectors are Dr. Mi Mi Aung and Dr. Yin Myo Wai.
Yangon University of Foreign Languages is one of the two language universities in Myanmar alongside with Mandalay University of Foreign Languages.


Foreign Languages Institution 1964-1972

The Foreign Languages Institution later to become the University of Foreign Languages began its existence on the top floor of Chartered Bank Building on Pansodan Street on 16 January 1964. U Ba Myint served as a Principal from 8 January 1964 to 7 February 1965. The Institute started with 4 language departments: French, German, Japanese and Russian. The initial enrollment was 53 students in full-time diploma, part-time diploma, state scholars and language proficiency classes. In 1965, the Chinese Department was established and U Yu Khin became Principal on 8 February 1965.
The Institute was relocated to , its current location and U Yu Khin was still working as the principal at that time and he continued working until 30 April 1971. In that academic year, the admission increased to 205 students. Italian language programs was offered from 1970 to 1980. U Win Maung became Principal on 1 May 1971.

Institute of Foreign Languages 1972-1996

The Institute was transferred direct control of Ministry of Education to Department of Higher Education on 15 March 1972. The Foreign Languages Institution was renamed Institute of Foreign Languages and the-then principal U Win Maung administered the Institute till 17 September 1972. Enrollment increased to 383.
U Tin Aung Soe, U Win Maung, U Sai Aung Tun, U Myo Nyunt and Dr. Soe Win served as principals of Institute of Foreign Languages respectively.
Before the establishment of the language departments, English courses were first offered in 1969 and Myanmar language courses were started in 1974 with the faculty members from Yangon University. More and more language departments were added over the years: English Department was established in 1984; Myanmar Department, in 1985; Thai Department, in 1989; and Korean Department, in 1993. Admission increased every year and reached 1179 in 1995–96 academic year. At that time, classrooms were located in the Main Building , the Myawady Buildings, and the OB Buildings.

Yangon University of Foreign Languages 1996-Present

The Institute was upgraded to the university level and became the Yangon University of Foreign Languages on 2 October 1996 and in addition to the currently offered courses, Bachelor's Degree and Master's degree programs were launched, with the enrollment of 1314 students.
Since its upgrade to a university, the-then principal Dr. Soe Win served as the pro-rector and as the rector. After him, Dr. Aung Aung Min served as the pro-rector, Dr. Myo Myint as the rector, Dr. Tin Maung Tun as the pro-rector, Dr. Lwin Lwin Soe as the rector and Dr Yee Yee Maw as the pro-rector. Dr. Kyi Shwin has been serving as the rector of the Yangon University of Foreign Languages since 13 October 2016.
The Italian Language Department was reestablished in 2014–2015 academic year. Students’ admission increases every year and in 2016–2017 academic year, it reached to, taking PhD, M.A, M.A, Diploma, B.A courses as well as CHRD evening courses.
Department of Linguistics, Department of Oriental Studies, Department of Philosophy, Department of History and Department of International Studies were established in 1988.



The university is located in and it has a total of 11 buildings with eight of them being used for education purpose and the rest three being used for general purpose. The 8 academic buildings are
1. Main Building
2. New Building
3. Library and Resource Center
4. Extension Building
5. Center of Excellence Building
6. Recreation Center
7. Modernized Canteen and Oriental Hall, and
8. International Students Hall
The Main Building was handed over from the Ministry of Culture in 1966. 4-storeyed New Building, the Library and Resource Centre , Extension Building, Centre of Excellence and Recreation Centre, Centre of Excellence Building and Modernized Canteen and The International Students Hall were constructed in the fiscal years 1995–96, 1997–98, 2008–09, 2013–14, 2014–15,2015–16 and 2019-20 respectively.


The accommodation is not mixed and the availability is limited. There are 2 dormitories available for YUFL students. They are-
  1. Adipadi Hostel ,and
  2. Akari Hostel
Both hostels are located near YUFL Campus and is built side to side at the corner of Inya Road and Thahtone Road in Thahtone Compound which is owned by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education.
Before 2019-2020 Academic year, there were only Akari Dormiory and there were no dormitory for male students. Male students have to live in some of the dormitories of Yangon University and other private hostels in Hledan. Adipadi Dormitory was built in 2018-19 Fiscal year to accommodate the issue and the dormitory start accepting male students in 2019-20 Academic Year.
It is near to Hledan which is a major hub in Yangon and is close to many shopping complex; Junction Square Complex, Times City Complex, Hledan Center and Gamonepwint Saneiknyein Shopping center.
It is also close to other educational institutes such as University of Medicine 1, Yangon Thahtone Campus, University of Medicine 1,Yangon Pyay Campus, Yangon University of Education, Yangon University, B.E.H.S 2 Kamayut and Practising School Yangon Institute of Education.


Yangon University of Foreign Languages Library was firstly established at Ground Floor of Main Building in the Institution of Foreign Languages on 26th September 1984. YUFL Library was started the collection of 20000 printed books which are Chinese Language, Japanese Language, Myanmar Language, English Language, French Language, German Language and Russian Language. In 1985, library was transferred to 1st floor of Myawaddy Building. It is comprised a Reading Room where 36 students can read, Stack Room, and Staff Office. At that time library could not loan the books which can be read in the library.
In September 1996, YUFL was upgraded to university level. Therefore library becomes the university library standard. And Library‘s collections and functions have developed steadily. Books can be borrowed to users. In November 2000, library was transferred to 2nd Floor of Library and Resource Center new Building. There are Reading Room, Stack Room and Staff office. Library Automation System was started in 2001.Users can search catalogue using computer. In 2000, as internet terminal station that are networked computers, it was opened for users in Reading Room. Reference Room was opened at LRC in 2015. Window on Korea Reading Room where literature and culture of Korea can be studied was opened at LRC in September 2016. Now library is composed a reading Room where persons can read, Reference Room where persons can study, WOK Reading Room where persons can ready and stack Room including shelves. The total area of library is 6135 square feet. At present, Library has collected 75663 printed books, 14069 periodicals and 3219 Non-book materials including Chinese Language, Japanese Language, Korea Language, Myanmar Language, Thai Language, English Language, French Language, German Language, Italian Language and Russian Language.

Administration and organization


From 1964 to 1996, the Foreign Languages Institution which later became the Institute of Foreign Languages was headed by principals.
  1. U Ba Myint: 8 January 1964 - 7 February 1965:
  2. U Yu Khin: 8 February 1965 - 30 April 1971
  3. U TIn Aung Soe: 28 September 1972 - 10 August 1979
  4. U WIn Maung: 10 August 1979 - 7 August 1980
  5. U Sai Aung Tun7 May 1980 - 3 November 1985
  6. U Myo Nyunt16 December 1985 - 3 February 1991
  7. Dr. Soe Win: 4 February 1991 - 15 January 1997
The institute was upgraded to the university level and became the Yangon University of Foreign Languages on 2 October 1996. Since 1996, the university has been headed by academic dean known as rector and pro-rector.
  1. Dr. Soe Win : 15 January 1997 - 11 June 1997
  2. Dr. Soe Win : 12 June 1997 to 3 June 2005
  3. Dr. Aung Aung Min : 1 July 2005 - 20 October 2005
  4. Dr. Myo Myint : 21 October 2005 - 30 March 2011
  5. Dr. Myo Han : 19 May 2005 to 30 May 2015
  6. Dr. Tin Mg Tun : 30 March 2011 - 18 April 2011
  7. Dr. Lwin Lwin Soe : 29 April 2011 - 14 March 2016
  8. Dr. Tin Htwe : 8 July 2011 to 17 March 2016
  9. Dr. Yee Maw : 15 March 2016 - 12 October 2016
  10. Dr. Mi Mi Aung : 31 March 2016 – Present:
  11. Dr. Kyi Shwin : 13 October 2016 – Present
  12. Dr. YIn Myo Thu: 19 June 2018 – Present



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Rector, Yangon Institute of Education
Rector, University of Distance Education, Yangon
Rector, Dagon University
Head of Dept. of Academic Affairs
Professor, Dept. of Oriental Studies
Professor, Dept. of Philosophy
Professor, Dept. of International Relations
Professor, Dept. of Linguistics
Professor, Dept. of Myanmar
Professor, Dept. of English
Professor, Dept. of History
Professor, Dept. of Chinese
Professor, Dept. of Korean
Associate Professor, Dept. of French
Associate Professor, Dept. of Italian
Associate Professor, Dept. of Thai
Associate Professor, Dept. of Russian
Associate Professor, Dept. of German
Associate Professor, Dept. of Japanese
Rector,University of Distance Education,Yangon
Rector, Dagon University

Professor, Dept. of English
Associate Professor, Dept. of Thai
Head of Dept. of Academic Affairs


Academic Departments

YUFL has ten main Language Departments including Department of Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Myanmar, Russian and Thai and five social science departments including Department of History, International Relations, Linguistics, Oriental Studies and Philosophy. They are under the direction of Pro-rector. The departments can be grouped into three groups; Oriental Language Departments, European Language Departments and Social Science Departments.
Oriental Language Departments
Oriental Language Departments include:
European Language Departments include:
Social Science Departments include:
YUFL has three main Administrative Departments including Department of Admin & Finance, Department of Academic Affairs and Department of Multimedia. Two pro-rectors administer these departments.
Admin Department is under the direction of Pro-rector.
Admin and Finance Department
The Admin & Finance Department is composed of three main units namely
  1. Admin
  2. Finance and
  3. Engineer.
This department is responsible for managing administering general affairs, financial affairs, procurement and store, maintaining the estate, engineering and Human Resource Development.
Academic Affairs and Multimedia Departments are under the direction of Pro-rector
Academic Affairs Department
The Academic Branch is composed of five main units namely,
  1. Students’ Affairs Unit
  2. Students’ Hostel Unit
  3. Exam and Graduation/ Validation Unit
  4. University Library and Sport Unit
which are staffed by total of seven officials and twelve staffs together with one non-permanent staff to function the routine works of the Academic Branch.
Another major task of the Academic Branch is to prepare the MOU/MOAs signed between the YUFL and other foreign universities or institutions. Besides, the Students Service Center which is newly established center since 2012 is also serving to fulfill the needs of students as quickly as possible.
Apart from formal graduate programs, such certificate courses as Basic Level, Intermediate Level and Advanced Level are being offered under the program of Center for Human Resource Development on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These certificate courses relating to language proficiency are offered in two shits – morning and evening shit. To provide more opportunities for learners, certificate programs and classes are also opened on every Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Multimedia Department
Multimedia Department is composed of two main branch –
  1. Multimedia branch and
  2. ICT branch.
This Department assists all students who are learning language by providing the CTC Training Rooms, Language Lab Rooms, Multimedia Rooms, Video Rooms, e-Resource Center and e-Learning Center. Moreover, this Department is also taking responsibility to provide ICT technology in order to facilitate the functions of the all units of Administrative Branch and of Academic Branch of the Yangon University of Foreign Languages.

Organization Structure

Regular Programs

There are undergraduate programs, master programs, doctorate programs that are running as part-time as well as full-time classes in YUFL. Besides, there are postgraduate diploma and certificates under the Center of Human Resource Development.
Undergraduate Programs
Under the undergraduate programs, there are eight languages offering bachelor's degree in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Thai. It takes four years to complete the degree.
Master Programs
The Master programs including Qualifying classes are now being offered in the Departments of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Thai as two year full-time programs. Unlike other Master programs, Master's degree for English is one year full-time programs.
Doctrate Programs
programs are now being offered to candidates who passed PhD entrance exam to attend PhD preliminary Classes. Another channel to join the Doctrate programs targeted to senior faculty members. PhD programs are now opened in the Departments of Chinese and Korean Languages.
EnglishPostgraduateFull-time1 year
ItalianPostgraduateFull-time2 years
LinguisticsPostgraduatePart-time2 years
China StudiesPostgraduatePart-time2 years
ChinesePostgraduatePart-time4 years
FrenchPostgraduatePart-time4 years
GermanPostgraduatePart-time4 years
JapanesePostgraduatePart-time4 years
KoreanPostgraduatePart-time4 years
RussianPostgraduatePart-time4 years
ThaiPostgraduatePart-time4 years
International RelationsPostgraduatePart-time9 months

Diploma programs

There are full-time and part-time postgraduate diploma programs in YUFL.
Full-time Postgraduate Diploma programs
There are full-time postgraduate diploma degree programs in English and Italian Languages. For English Language Diploma, students have to attend one year and for students who attend the Italian Language in Diploma Degree have to spend two years.
Part-Time Postgraduate Diploma programs
Under the part-time postgraduate diploma degree program, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Thai programs are offered. All languages in part-time programs require four years to complete the degree. Diploma in Linguistics is now offered in YUFL as a part-time postgraduate diploma programs. Students have to spend 2 years for Diploma in Linguistics programs.
A significant step toward the YUFL as a center of foreign studies, two part-time postgraduate diploma programs; Diploma in China Studies and Diploma in International Relations are just being opened in June 2019 as an initial studies programs. For Diploma in China Studies Degree, students have to attend two year and for students who attend the Diploma in International Relations Degree have to spend nine months.

Certificate programs

As a language-oriented university, YUFL is well known in its certificate programs.
There are some programs targeting to students who have just passed but waiting to join the university. High School graduate students can also join such certificate programs as Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Thai languages.
According to the local demand, YUFL also introduces the two new certificate programs; Certificate in English Interpretation Course and Certificate in French Translation and Interpretation. Both programs needs to spend 6 months to get certificate.

Myanmar as foreign language for foreigners in YUFL

Language as foreign language programs are also offered to foreign students. Like other programs focused on local students, Myanmar language for foreign students being offered in degree programs in Bachelor, Diploma and Certificate. For bachelor's degree, student has to spend four years while Diploma degree needs two years and Myanmar Language Proficiency in Basic, Intermediate and Advance Levels needs one year to complete the courses.
The like HRD programs in other languages, there are certificate courses on Myanmar Language for foreigners who have to spend six months for Basic I and another three months for Basic II.

Short training courses

Language courses for officials from various ministries that accept for scholars going abroad for further studies and government personnel who need foreign languages in their work.


From 2011 to July 2018, YUFL has carried out academic cooperation with universities and research institutions abroad through signing MOU/MOA. Total of 37 MOUs and MOA had been signed between YUFL and foreign universities or institutions to conduct student exchange, faculty exchange, workshop and seminars, information sharing for library resources, visiting professor and native speakers programs. In 2018, with the permission of Ministry of Education, YUFL has to sign MOUs with Myanmar – Japan Association, Guyn Xing University of Foreign Language and Yuxi University of PRC.
NoCountriesInternational Collaboration/ UniversityMoU/ MoA
1RussiaMoscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies MoA
2ThailandNaresuan UniversityMoU
3JapanJapan FoundationMoA
4KoreaHannam UniversityMoA
5KoreaKorea Social Education Centre MoU
6ThailandSuratthani Rajabhat UniversityMoU
7GermanyZeppelin UniversityMoU
8FrenchInstitut National des Langues et Civilisations OrientalesMoU
9JapanJosai UniversityMoA
10JapanSoka UniversityMoU
11KoreaAjou UniversityMoU
12KoreaJeju National UniversityMoA
13JapanAEON 1% ClubMoU
14RussiaRusskiy Mir. FoundationMoA
15KoreaDaewoo Global Management Institute MoA
16ChinaBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityMoU
17JapanMeijo UniversityMoA
18JapanJapan FoundationMoA
19JapanJapan FoundationMoA
20ChinaYunnan Minzu UniversityMoU
21ChinaQiongzhou UniversityMoU
22KoreaDaewoo Global Management Institute MoA
23ChinaGuangxi University for Nationalitie University of Foreign Languages & Guangxi University for NationalitiesMoA
24JapanJapan FoundationMoA
25KoreaSeoul Women’s University, South KoreaMoU
26ChinaYunnan University of Finance and EconomicsMoU
27KoreaThe National Library of KoreaMoU
29ChinaYunnan Normal UniversityMoU
30JapanMeiji UniversityMoU
31ChinaDali UniversityMoU
32ThaiMahasarakham UniversityMoU
33JapanJapan Association of Japan Alumni MoU

International Teachers

International Students

{{Cite web|url=https://www.yufl.edu.mm/demo/international-students/|title=International Students YUFL|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-28}}

Research Collaboration

Since May 2018, the Department of Linguistics, Yangon University of Foreign Languages and the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich, Switzerland have signed the MoU in the following fields: the visit by faculty for the purpose of engaging in research and educational activities in languages and linguistics; the exchange of faculty members; and undergraduate, Post-graduate and doctoral students and the joint research activities and other academic activities. According to the agreement, the Linguistic research collaboration on the Palaung Language in Mogok Area among the faculty members of Yangon University of Foreign Languages and the senior linguists of University of Zurich is started in July, 2018. Moreover, it is arranged to carry out the research on Linguistic Demography in Yangon in 2019. There will be a number of on-going research with the collaboration of the University of Zurich.

Notable alumni