World Population Conferences
A World Population Conference was held in Geneva from 29 August to 3 September 1927, organized by the League of Nations and Margaret Sanger.
Since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, three official international conferences on population have been held, and two other conferences on population have been convened :
- World Population Conference, Rome, 31 August–10 September 1954, Rome, Italy; academic conference organized by the UN;
- World Population Conference, Belgrade, 30 August–10 September 1965, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; expert level conference organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and the UN;
- Bucharest World Population Conference, 19–30 August 1974, Bucharest, Romania; the first International Conference on population organized at the intergovernmental level by the United Nations, attended by more than 1,400 delegates from 136 countries ;
- International Conference on Population, 6–14 August 1984, Mexico City, Mexico; the second International Conference on population, attended by representatives of 147 member states ;
- International Conference on Population and Development, 5–13 September 1994, Cairo, Egypt; the third International Conference on population under the auspices of the UN, attended by 179 governmental delegations from UN member states, 7 observers at governmental level, the European Union, and several hundred NGOs.
In 30 June–2 July 1999, the Twenty-first session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York was dedicated to population and development.