Wood Knapp Video

Wood Knapp & Co., commonly called Wood Knapp Video or simply Wood Knapp, was a VHS distributor founded in 1988 by Betsy Wood Knapp. It distributed the Children's Circle releases from Weston Woods Studios, obscure United Artists releases, the 1988 Summer Olympics, classic teleplays such as Marty and Requiem for a Heavyweight, among others. Wood Knapp Video declared bankruptcy in January 1995, and ceased operations on December 31, 1995.

Children's Circle

Children's Circle was released on VHS.


The song called "Caravan" shows clips from Where the Wild Things Are, The Foolish Frog, Morris's Disappearing Bag, A Story a Story, Rosie's Walk, The Trip, and The Three Robbers.


There is an instrumental version of the song.