Witch Hunter (manhwa)

Witch Hunter is a Korean manhwa series by CHO Jung-man. It has been serialized by Daewon in Young Champ since 2006 and as of May 2018, twenty one bound volumes were released. The series is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment and released in omnibus format. The series is also licensed in France by Ki-Oon and Italy by Jpop.


In a world where witches have declared war against humanity, causing two-thirds of the world to fall apart, the surviving human population has gathered specialists with the power to hunt and destroy witches.
Tasha Godspell, also known as the "Magic Marksman," is one of the best Witch Hunters there is. Along with his sword-wielding Jack-o’-Lantern partner known as Halloween, Tasha puts his magical training and weaponry to good use, in his constant battles against witches. And yet, he cannot bring himself to fully hate the very witches he is tasked to destroy.


;Witch Hats