Wine (color)

The color wine or vinous, vinaceous, is a dark shade of red. It is a representation of the typical color of red wine.
The first recorded use of wine as a color name in English was in 1705. The term "bordeaux" is also sometimes used to describe this color.

Variations of wine


At right is displayed the color claret.
Another name for this color is bordeaux.
This color is a representation of the average color of bordeaux wine.
The first recorded use of claret as a color name in English was in 1547.


Burgundy is a red color associated with the Burgundy wine of the same name, which in turn is named after the Burgundy region of France.
The first recorded use of "burgundy" as a color name in English was in 1881.

Wine dregs

At right is displayed the color wine dregs, a deep tone of the color wine.
The first recorded use of wine dregs as a color name in English was in 1924.

Wine in human culture
