Most of his publications resulted from co-operation with other researchers:
1979: ""Time" in the Production and Perception of Speech"
1995: "Schwa vs. schwa + /r/ in German", Phonetica52, 1995. p. 228-235
1996: "The relevance of phonetics for pronunciation teaching", PHONUS2, 1996, Saarbrücken. p. 5-20
1996: "Some fundamental problems of looking at connected speech", Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und Digitale Sprachverarbeitung der Universität Kiel31, 1996. p. 113-117
1997: "Another R-tickle", Journal of the International Phonetic Association27 1 & 2, 1997, 35-45
1998: "Implications of energy declination for speech synthesis", Proceedings 3rd ESCA/COCOSDA Worksop on Speech Synthesis, Jenolan Caves 1998, 47-52
1998: "Time as a factor in the acoustic variation of schwa", Proceedings ICSLP 5, Sydney 1998, Paper 554
1999: "Trends und Ergebnisse der phonetischen Forschung und ihr Nutzen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht", Deutsch als Fremdsprache36.2 1999, p. 81-87
1999: "Soziophonetische Betrachtungen zu deutschen Dialekten in Lothringen ", Folia LinguisticaXXXII, 3-4, 1999, 161-199
2000: "The prosody of excitement in horse race commentaries", Proceedings ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research,
2001: "Cross-language Similarities and Differences in Spontaneous Speech Patterns", Journal of the International Phonetics Association, 31.1, 2001, 51-66
2001: "Must diphone synthesis be so unnatural?", Proc. Eurospeech 2001 Scandinavia, Aalborg.
2002: "Differential weighting of phonetic properties in cross-dialectal perception"
2003: "Do Rhythm Measures Tell us Anything about Language Type?", Proc. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona 2003
2004: "Interaction between segmental structure and rhythm. A look at Italian dialects and regional standard Italian"
2004: "Methodische Aspekte der auditiven Bewertung von Stimmqualität", Sprache Stimme Gehör28, 2004, pp. 1-10
2005: Phonetic knowledge in speech technology - and phonetic knowledge from speech technology
2006: "Strength of British English accents in altered listening conditions", Perception and Psychophysics68 2006, 139-153
2007: "Rhythm as an L2 problem: How prosodic is it?" in Jürgen Trouvain and Ulrike Gut, Non-Native Prosody. Phonetic Description and Teaching Practice Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2007, 97-120
2008: "Do we need a symbol for a central open vowel?", Journal of the International Phonetic Association38 No. 3, 2008, 349-357.