Will Power (TV series)

Will Power, is the 2013 TVB Anniversary drama. It premiered on October 14, 2013.


The two well known lawyers Yu Ying Wai, Wilson and Lee Ming Yang, Morris are against each other in court. Because Ying Wai wanted to win a case, it almost cost him his life and after that incident, he had a new view on life. Experienced lawyer Lo Sam Po viewed the changed Wai differently, and recruited him to join his law firm as a probate lawyer. Due to his debt, Yeung was forced to go back and work at his mentor Paul Sum Yik Wor's law firm and collaborates with his daughter and lawyer Sum Yut Kan, Eugene. Kan had been in a relationship with the wealthy Sung Ka Yiu, Glibert for many years, but Yiu loves merit too much and had no interest in ambitions, which gave Yeung an opportunity to win Kan's heart. When the hearing for a case involving a will began, the judge happened to be Wai's ex-wife and Yeung's ex-girlfriend Luk Sze Ying, Sheila, the two heroes meet again, but together they discovered there was another side to the case. The person involved just happened to be Wai's apprentice Ching Ka-ming , whom had a huge connection to the case. The actions of the lawyer lifted a crisis of life and death...
The two lawyers battle for wins but one man goes too far to get what he wants from his biggest client...Yeung's boss.


Actor / ActressRoleDescription
Wayne Lai
Wilson Yu Ying Wai
Morris' opponent in court. Works in Lo Sum Po's law firm and is Ka Ming's mentor. Sheila's ex-husband but later get together again. Early on, Wilson gets a stroke due to his eating habits, but soon recovers in a fit of agitation while in the restroom.
Moses Chan
Morris Lee Ming Yeung
Wilson's opponent in court. Elly and Sheila's ex-boyfriend. Has a crush on Eugene but never told anyone until once, he told Wilson. Got together with Eugene.
Fala Chen
Eugene Sum Yut Kan
Lawyer and Sim Yik Wor's daughter. Gilbert's girlfriend but broke up when she saw him making out with another girl on his yacht. Morris' love interest and they later got together.
Christine Ng
Sheila Luk Sze Ying
Judge in high court cases. Morris' ex-girlfriend and Bevis' love interest. Learns dancing and is Bevis' dance partner but both quitted because she didn't wanted pressure. Wilson's ex-wife but later got together again.
Jason Chan
Ching Ka Ming
Shuk Hing's son, Wilson's mentee and also works in Lo Sum Po's law firm. Nana's love interest and dates her in later episodes. Accused as the murderer who killed Gilbert in episode 29 and is actually Mr. Sung's biological son.
Sire Ma
Nana Lo Siu Lo
Lo Sum Po's daughter. Used to work as a model in a small agency but becomes a manager of her models. Was raped by Gilbert while trying to collect payment from him for Bella and Carol. Ka Ming's love interest and started dating. Had a bad relationship with her father originally but reconciled.
Vincent Wong
Gilbert Sung Ka Yiu
Mrs Sung's son and Ka-cheung's younger brother. A player and takes drugs. Gets caught doing illegal stuff a lot but often saved by Morris. Eugene's ex-boyfriend. Had a one-night stand with Nana once. Often takes drugs with Carol and Bella, they attempted to steal his money.
Elliot Yue
Lo Sam Po
Lo Siu-lo's father and Ching Shuk Hing's old friend. Opens a law firm and is competitors with Sum Yik Wor. Honest and experienced probate lawyer that handles wills.
Chung King Fai
Sum Yik Wor
Eugene's father and Lo Sam Po's competitor. Sung family's legal consultant and scheming lawyer that uses the despicable methods to get rid of evidence so they win their case. Morris' mentor. Has a weak heart and had a surgery. In the end, because he was the person who tried to get Mrs Sung to frame Ka-ming for Gilbert's murder, he is disbarred and sentenced to prison for two years on obstruction of justice and contempt of court charges.
Mary Hon
Ching Shuk Hing
Ching Ka Ming's mother and Lo Sum Po's old friend. Opens a cafe and was Mr Sung's mistress. Mrs Sung does not like her.
Susan Tse
Mrs Sung
Mother of Gilbert and Ka Cheung. Killed Gilbert but framed it on Ka-ming but went to jail in the end.
Power Chan
Sung Ka Cheung
Mrs Sung's son and Gilbert's older brother. He has autism and goes to a special school. He attends ceramic classes at Sin Ming Society.
Samantha Ko
Elly Yip Nga-lai
Morris' ex-girlfriend and the one in-charge of Sin Ming Society, that was founded with her professor husband's money.
Patrick Tang
Sheila's dance partner and also likes Sheila. He has two sisters and he works as a doctor.

Viewership ratings

International Broadcast