Whitefish Bay High School

Whitefish Bay High School is a comprehensive public secondary school located in the village of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, United States. Enrollment is 1005 students, in grades 9 through 12.
The school newspaper, the Tower Times, and the school yearbook, The Tower, both refer to the school building's five-story tower and facade that rise over the main entrance. The school colors are blue and grey. The school's mascot is the "Blue Duke". Whitefish Bay is a member of the North Shore Sports Conference.


Student extracurricular activities include student government, forensics, debate, drama, and sports. A student activity fair is held in September to publicize clubs and activities.


Whitefish Bay High School offers choir, orchestra and band programs to its students in all grades. The orchestra has biennial overseas concerts/trips and the band has an annual stateside trip for seniors.


The school sports program offers the following sports:
WBHS won state championships in boys' cross country in 1955, 1957, 1961 and 1962.

Notable alumni