Wendelsheim (Rottenburg)

Wendelsheim is a suburban district of Rottenburg am Neckar in the administrative district of Tübingen in Baden-Württemberg.


Wendelsheim is located 4 km northern from Rottenburg and 11 km southwestern from Tübingen.


The area of the district is 470 hectares. Thereof fall 71.0% upon agriculturally used area, 15.1% upon forest area, 13.6% upon settlement area and roads, 0.2% upon water expanse and 0.2% upon other.

Neighbour localities

The territories of the following localities adjoin to Wendelsheim, they are called clockwise beginning in the north: Oberndorf, Wurmlingen, Rottenburg, Seebronn. All bordering localities are in the administrative district of Tübingen, and all are part of the Town of Rottenburg.


Wendelsheim has 1555 inhabitants. It is one of the largest suburbs of Rottenburg. At an area of 4.70 km² this corresponds to a population density of 331 people per km², or 857 per sq mi.


The population is predominantly Roman Catholic.


Sister village