Weir of Hermiston

Weir of Hermiston is an unfinished novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is markedly different from his previous works in style and has often been praised as a potential masterpiece. It was cut short by Stevenson's sudden death in 1894 from a cerebral haemorrhage. The novel is set at the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

Plot summary

The novel tells the story of Archie Weir, a youth born into an upper-class Edinburgh family. Because of his Romantic sensibilities and sensitivity, Archie is estranged from his father, who is depicted as the coarse and cruel judge of a criminal court. By mutual consent, Archie is banished from his family of origin and sent to live as the local laird on a family property in the vicinity of the Borders hamlet Hermiston.
While serving as the laird, Archie meets and falls in love with Kirstie. As the two are deepening their relationship, the book breaks off. Confusingly, there are two characters in the novel called Christina, the younger of whom is Archie's sweetheart.


According to Sir Sidney Colvin, quoting Stevenson's stepdaughter, Stevenson intended the story to continue with the seduction of Kirstie by Archie's dissolute friend Frank Innes. Kirstie's four brothers believe that Archie is the culprit and vow revenge on him. However, Archie has meanwhile confronted Frank and killed him, and is arrested for murder. He is tried for his life before his father and condemned to death. But the older Kirstie discovers the truth and tells the brothers, who break the jail and release Archie. Archie and his beloved Kirstie flee to America, presumably to live happily ever after.

Cultural allusions