Way to Go (TV series)

Way to Go is a British television sitcom, created by American television writer and producer Bob Kushell, about three men who start an assisted suicide business. The series premiered on BBC Three on 17 January 2013 and ran to six 30-minute episodes. In July 2013 it was announced that Way to Go had been axed after one series.

Regular cast and characters

; Blake Harrison as Scott
Scott is a receptionist at a veterinary clinic who dropped out of medical school when he couldn't afford to pay for it. The moral centre of the show, Scott constantly struggles with the implications of the business of death that is opening up life opportunities for him and his friends.
; Ben Heathcote as Joey
Scott's womanizing, gambling-addicted, wise-cracking half brother.
; Marc Wootton as Cozzo
Scott's waggish pal who works as a fast-food machine repair technician.
; Laura Aikman as Julia
The daughter of Paddy, the boys' first client, she ends up becoming Scott's girlfriend.
; Sinead Matthews as Debbie
Cozzo's extraordinarily tolerant, newly pregnant wife, who also happens to be a police officer.
; Hannah Job as Lucie
Scott's sexy, but somewhat vapid ex-girlfriend who has high expectations and "great arms".
; Melanie Jessop as Dr. Jill
Scott's Machiavellian, sexually-harassing boss, she is the veterinarian at the pet clinic.



The show's theme tune, "Superstar Luck Machine" was composed by Ian Masterson.


A week and a half before the show began airing, Conservative Tory MP Mark Pritchard publicly criticised the BBC for commissioning the programme and turning the subject of assisted dying into "a matter of fun".