Wawagosic River

The Wawagosic River is a tributary of the Turgeon River flowing the municipality of Eeyou Istchee James Bay, in the administrative region of Nord-du-Québec, in Quebec, in Canada.


The surrounding hydrographic slopes of the Wawagosic River are:
The water head of the Wawagosic River is located on the border of the administrative regions of Nord-du-Québec and Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The Wawagosic River originates in a small marsh north of Authier Lake, in the unorganized territory of Lac-Chicobi, Quebec, west of the Octave River and north of Chicobi Lake. This sector is included in the Esker-Mistaouac's proposed biodiversity reserve. The head of the river drains the waters of the western slope of Saucer Hills and Mount Plamondon.
Located in the southeastern corner of Bacon Township, Wawagosic Lake flows into the river of the same name by the Tangente River which flows to the southwest, to reach the Wawagosic River.
The Wawagosic River flows mostly north, with some segment westward, across many marsh areas. On its course, the river drains the waters from the lakes: Motherland, Plamondon, Wawagosic, Cadieux, Carheil, Horney, Morin, Cadieux, Dent, Leblond and Casgrain. The Wawagosic River flows into the Turgeon River which is a tributary of the Harricana River.


According to reports from 1908 surveyors who were exploring the area for the development of northwestern Quebec for the eventual arrival of the National Transcontinental Railway, this river was identified popularly as "Croche River". The name "Wawagotig" of Algonquin origin, meaning "river in zigzag", was also used to describe this body of water. The Algonquins of Pikogan had named Lake Wawagosic; this lake is characterized by its sandy coastline and several islands. This latter meaning applies very well to the river whose clayey and rockless edges have been noted since the beginning of the century.
The toponym "rivière Wawagosic" was made official on December 5, 1968, at the Bank of Place Names of the Commission de toponymie du Québec.