Wang Weiliang

Wang Weiliang is a Singaporean actor. A getai performer-turned-actor, Wang has become a local celebrity after the successes of Ah Boys to Men movie series by director Jack Neo.

Personal life

Born 1987, Wang Weiliang's parents divorced when he was a toddler. He and his older brother were raised by their mother, a coffeeshop assistant-turned-office cleaner. At 14, he dropped out of Monfort Secondary School to help with his family's household expenditure. A former teen gangster, his previous jobs included pasar malam hawker and alarm clock salesman.
He served national service as a storeman in 4 SIR.
After national service, he took on two jobs – as a renovation contractor and used car salesman. Although he was making good money, he was besieged by restlessness. He finally found that life-changing sense of belonging on the getai stage.
The reason Wang is on stage is his mother. He said: "My mother is like my girlfriend. We are very close. I'm still standing on stage today because of the pride I see on her face. I relish it. I fell wayward for 10 years, and she took care of me all those 10 years. I told myself I would never break her heart again because, no matter what I'd done wrong in the past, my mother would still say, 'you are still my son.'"


Speaking predominantly in Hokkien and Mandarin, Wang debuted as a getai singer in 2009 before trying his hand as a getai host in 2011, after local veteran getai performer and mentor Wang Lei gave him a stage costume.
In 2012, he was picked to star in Jack Neo's movie Ah Boys to Men, and has gained popularity and fame due to its success. Since then, he has played key roles in the Ah Boys To Men series. He also sang the original soundtrack "牵着我" for The Lion Men.
In 2014, he received rave reviews for reprising his role as the street-smart recruit Bang "Lobang" Lee Onn win the Ah Boys To Men: The Musical.



Television series

Variety / Television show

Awards and Nominations
