WAGR J class (diesel)

The J class are a class of diesel locomotives built by Clyde Engineering, Granville, for the Western Australian Government Railways in 1966.


The J class entered service between July and October 1966 to provide as shunters for the Eastern Goldfields Railway from Perth to Kalgoorlie that was being converted to standard gauge. They were an evolution of the Victorian Railways Y class.
One was scrapped in July 1986 with the remaining four sold in 1995 to Great Northern Rail Services and moved to South Dynon Locomotive Depot. They operated freight transfer and infrastructure trains under contract to National Rail. Following the cessation of Great Northern Rail Services in 2004, the 4 units were split up. J102 & J103 were sold to CFCLA and stayed in Melbourne. These 2 units were hired to Southern Shorthaul Railroad continued use as terminal shunters and infrastructure workings. J102 & J103 have since been purchased by SCT Logistics for use as shunters at their various terminals. J104 & J105 were sold to Freightlink, renumbered to FJ104 & FJ105, and moved to the Northern Territory as terminal shunters in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek. These have been transferred to Genesee & Wyoming Australia following G&Ws acquisition of Freightlink.