Vladimir Buzayev

Vladimir Viktorovich Buzayev is a Latvian Russian politician and Member of the 8th and 9th Saeima from For Human Rights in United Latvia. Member of Latvian Human Rights Committee since 1993 and its co-chairman since 2012, Candidate degree in hydrogeology.


1982 he has defended a Candidate thesis in hydrogeology.
1989 — elected to Riga Council of People's Deputies.
1993 — participation in foundation of Equal Rights party.
1994–2001 — co-chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee.
1998–2001 — MP assistant.
2000 — Buzayev becomes naturalized citizen of Latvia.
2001 — Buzayev is elected to Riga City Council and becomes chairman of Equal Rights party.
2002 — elected to 8th Saeima where he had become the most active speaker.
2006 — elected to 9th Saeima.
2007 — published book "Non-citizens of Latvia", elected chairman of the Board of ForHRUL.
2008 — Buzayev represents the applicant before the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR in case Andrejeva v. Latvia, won in 2009.
2009 — co-authors the book "Modern European Ethnocracy: Violations of Rights of National minorities in Estonia and Latvia".
2010 — publishes book "How the Russians are surviving".
2012 — elected co-chairman of LHRC.
2013 — publishes a book "Legal and social situation of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia".
2017 — publishes a book "Citizens and 'non-citizens': the politically legalistic division of Post-Soviet Latvia's population"