Virgo Indigo

Virgo Indigo is the second full-length studio album from the Newfoundland and Labrador based lo-fi music project Fog Lake. Self-produced by Aaron Powell on a largely DIY, low-budget setup in St John's, Newfoundland, the album was released February 4, 2014 on cassette through Brooklyn-based Orchid Tapes and was his first full-length album released by a label.


After 2013's Farther Reaches gained traction through the title track's placement on popular YouTube channel Majestic Casual and working with cassette-based DIY label Birdtapes, Powell began work on what would become Virgo Indigo entirely in his St. John's apartment. Featuring heavily ambient, dream-pop atmospheres, the album is often tagged under the dream pop, shoegaze tag. The album produced one single, It Was Never Enough and premiered on The FADER and No Fear of Pop.

Track listing

  1. "Fading Away" – 1:54
  2. "Virgo Indigo" – 2:28
  3. "Mad Scientist" – 2:03
  4. "It Was Never Enough" – 2:54
  5. "Erik" – 2:49
  6. "Transcanada" – 4:40
  7. "Little Black Balloon" - 2:09
  8. "Dream Gate" – 2:57
  9. "Nocturnal Blues" – 2:39
  10. "Pretty Lights" – 1:46
  11. "Circuit Rider" - 3:23
  12. "Lost Love Letters" - 3:02
