Vincent Cavallaro

Vincent Cavallaro was a painter, sculptor and abstract artist. He was a United States citizen, raised and educated in Italy.
He has been honored in the States with an award from the MoMA, commissions from the National Gallery of Art, and commissions to create many public and private murals and monuments individuals and institutions, including public schools in the New York City area.

Public installations and permanent collections

  1. Ignition Sequence, painting, oil and acrylic on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  2. Power To Go, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  3. , acrylic on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  4. Untitled I, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  5. Untitled II, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  6. Untitled III, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  7. Untitled IV, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  8. Untitled V, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
  9. Untitled VI, painting, mixed media on canvas; current owner: National Air and Space Museum
Mr. Cavallaro was married to Fulvia Burbi. His parents were Giovanni Cavallaro and Maria Giuseppa DeBenedetti. He completed a year of formal studies in art in 1933 at Brera Academy in Milan. Under the Italian spelling of his first name, "Vincenzo," he enlisted as a private in the U.S. Army Warrant Officers Program on April 15, 1942, at Fort Jay, Governors Island and served until 1946. His enlistment papers reflect that, among other things, he had one year of college and was working as a canvas cover repairman, animation artist, motion picture animation artist, model maker for motion pictures, and general artist. His enlistment papers also indicate that he was 5'7", 120 lbs. and married.