Vieri Lasinio Di Castelvero Trophy

Vieri Lasinio Di Castelvero Trophy is the sailing trophy awarded at the Junior Snipe World Championship. The Vieri Lasinio Di Castelvero Trophy is awarded to the winning skipper. The Snipe Class National Secretary shall be responsible for safekeeping of the trophy and its delivery with all fees paid, to the site of the next competition. The name of the winning skipper & crew names, year, fleet and country shall be engraved at the winner’s expense in uniform engraving.
The Junior Snipe World Championship is open to contestants under 22 years old and limited to 10 skippers from any country. In addition to the limit of 10 entries per country, the following skippers have automatic bids:
All skippers must be citizens, or bonafide residents for at least one year, of the country they represent.
The Junior Snipe World Championship is held every two years in odd numbered years in waters selected by the Board of Governors of the Snipe Class International Racing Association under the following conditions: