Venus in Love

Venus in Love, also known as Love for Venus, is a shōjo manga by Yuki Nakaji. The series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Koutou University in Hyōgo Prefecture and primarily around the relationships of the main characters, Suzuna Ashihara and Eichi Uozumi. The manga is published in English in Singapore by Chuang Yi as Love For Venus and in North America by CMX Manga as Venus in Love.


Names are in Western order, with the surname after the given name.

Major characters

;Suzuna Ashihara
;Eichi Uozumi
;Yuki Ikeuchi
;Shinya Fukami
;Hinako Kaji
;Honoka Kashiwagi

Minor characters

;Satoru Ashihara
;Tomoki Uozumi
;Shizuka Uozumi
;Kohei Kawauchi


Published by Hakusensha in 1999, the series was translated into English by Chuang Yi as Love for Venus for Madman Entertainment and later by DC Comics under its CMX imprint.