Velta Tatjana Ruke was born January 25, 1917, in Valmiera. She grew up in Latvia, graduating from Riga Secondary School No 2, and from the Department of Baltic Philology at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy of the University of Latvia in 1939. From 1938 and during World War II, Ruke-Dravina pursued doctoral studies in comparative Indo-European language research, but was not allowed to complete the studies as public defense of a thesis in this subject was not allowed in the German-fortified Latvia. She worked for a while as a lecturer in phonetics and served as an assistant to the linguist Jānis Endzelīns. She was involved in a number of projects associated with land-targeting and place-name research at the Latvian language archive. In the autumn of 1944, Ruke-Dravina and her husband, like many others, fled to Sweden. She continued her academic activities, initially at Lund University, where she taught in Baltic languages in the 1950s, and later at Stockholm University, where she earned a licentiate degree in Slavic languages in 1954, and defended her doctorate in 1959. Between 1948 and 1970, Ruke-Dravina worked as a lecturer at the University of Lund, where she was an associate professor in Baltic and Slavic languages. Later, she continued her career at the University of Stockholm, first as an associate professor in Slavic languages, then as an assistant professor of general linguistics, and finally as a regular professor in Baltic languages. She became the chair of the Department of Baltic Language and Literature at the Institute of Slavs and Balts at the University of Stockholm before 1984. She was also a guest lecturer at universities in different countries. After retiring in 1983, Helge Rinholm became her successor. From 1982 to 1990, Ruke-Dravina was an editor of the literary yearbook Zari. She published over 300 scientific articles, and was the author of several books on linguistic issues. She received several awards and prizes for her activities. Ruke-Dravina is the mother of astronomer Dainis Dravins. She died May 7, 2003.
Selected works
Latviešu valodas dialektoloģijas atlanta materialu vākšanas programa, 1954
Laute und Nominalformen der Mundart von Stenden. 1, Einleitung, Akzent und Intonation, Lautlehre, 1955
Verbalformen und undeklinierbare Redeteile der Mundart von Stenden : Verben, Adverbien, Präpositionen und Präfixe, Partikeln, Konjunktionen, 1958
Diminutive im Lettischen, 1959
Interjektionen und Onomatopöie in der Mundart von Stenden , 1962
Zur Sprachentwicklung bei Kleinkindern. 1, Syntax : Beitrag auf der Grundlage lettischen Sprachmateriels, 1963
Rainis kā augšzemnieku valodas pārstāvis, 1965
Mehrsprachigkeit im Vorschulalter, 1967
Språk i kontakt., 1969
Initial consonant combinations in Lithuanian and Latvian , 1970
Place names in Kauguri county, Latvia : a synchronic-structural analysis of toponyms in an ancient Indo-European and Finno-Ugric contact area., 1971
Vārds īstā vietā : frazeologismu krājums = The right word in the right place, 1974
The standardization process in Latvian 16. century to the present, 1977
Jān̨i latviešu literatūrā , 1978
No pieciem mēnešiem līdz pieciem gadiem, 1982
Cilvēks un daba latviešu tautasdziesmās, 1986
Rakstnieks un valoda, 1988
Svenska ortnamn i lettisk skönlitteratur, 1989
Valodniecība, 1991
Jāni latviešu literatūrā, 1991
Valodas jautājumi : rakstu krājums, 1992
Latviešu meitene apgūst savu pirmo valodu, 1993
Latviešu tautasdziesmu varianti : Kr. Barona "Latvju dainās", 1993