
Velocipes is a possible theropod dinosaur genus from the Late Triassic. Its fossils were found in the Norian-age Lissauer Breccia, now in southern Poland.


The type species, V. guerichi, was first described by Huene in 1932, based on the proximal portion of a fibula found in the Lissauer Breccia of southern Poland. A later paper, published in 2000 by Rauhut and Hungerbuhler, claimed that the only specimen of this animal was not well preserved enough to be confidently identified as part of a fibula, and classified the genus as an "indeterminate vertebrate". However, an SVP abstract reviewing putative dinosauriform remains from the Triassic of southern Poland confirmed the original theropod classification of Velocipes by von Huene, which was elaborated in detail in a 2016 paper.