Harding's research relates to the social, economic, and physical history of London from the 14th to the 17th centuries. She has written extensively on death and burial in academic journals and in her book The dead and the living in Paris and London, 1500-1670.
London Bridge: selected accounts and rentals, 1381-1547, with Laura Wright
The dead and the living in Paris and London, 1500-1670.
Articles and chapters
"And one more may be laid there": the location of burials in early modern London', London Journal 14, pp. 112–29.
'The population of London, 1550-1700: a review of the published evidence', London Journal 15, pp. 111–28.
'Burial choice and burial location in later medieval London' in Death in Towns, Urban responses to the dying and the dead, 100-1600, ed. S.R.Bassett pp. 119–35.
'Burial of the plague dead in early modern London', in Epidemic disease in London ed. Justin Champion, pp. 53–64
'Cross-channel trade and cultural contacts: London and the Low Countries in the late fourteenth century', in Caroline M. Barron and N.Saul, eds., London and the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages, pp. 153–68
'Medieval documentary sources for London and Paris: a comparison', in J.Boffey and P. King, eds., London and Europe in the later Middle Ages, pp. 35–54
'Burial on the margin: distance and discrimination in the early modern city', in M.Cox, Grave Concerns: death and burial in England, 1700-1850, pp. 54–64
'Mortality and the mental map of London: Richard Smyth's Obituary', in R.Myers and M.Harris, Medicine, mortality and the book trade, pp. 49–71.
'Citizen and mercer: Sir Thomas Gresham and the social and political world of the city of London', in F.Ames-Lewis, Sir Thomas Gresham and Gresham College, pp. 24–37.
'Whose body? A study of attitudes towards the dead body in early modern Paris', in B.Gordon and P. Marshall, The place of the dead. Death and remembrance in late medieval and early modern Europe, pp. 170–87
'Death in the City: mortuary archaeology to 1800', in I Haynes, H. Sheldon, and L. Hannigan,, London under ground. The Archaeology of London, pp. 272–83
'Controlling a complex metropolis, 1650-1750. Politics, parishes and powers', London Journal 26, pp. 29–37
'City, Capital and Metropolis: the Changing Shape of Seventeenth Century London', in J.F.Merritt, Imagining Early Modern London: Perceptions and Portrayals of the City from Stow to Strype, 1598-1720, pp. 117–143
'Maintaining London Bridge, c. 1380-1550: costs and resources', in Donatella Calabi e Claudia Conforti, I Ponti: forma e costruzione dall'antico all'architettura del ferro, pp. 1–12
'London, Change and Exchange', in H.S.Turner The culture of capital: property, cities, and knowledge in early modern England, pp. 129–38
'Choices and changes: death, burial and the English Reformation' in The Archaeology of Reformation, 1480-1580, ed. R. Gilchrist and D.Gaimster, pp. 386–98.
'The Crown, the City and the Orphans: the City of London and its finances, 1400-1700' in Urban public debts, urban government and the market for annuities in Western Europe, ed. M.Boone, K.Davids, and P.Janssens, pp. 51–60
'Employment and opportunity: the building trades in London, 1450-1600', in L'edilizia prima della Rivoluzione Industriale secc. XIII-XVIII: atti della trentaseiesima Settimana di Studi, 2603- Aprile 2004, ed. Simonetta Cavaiocchi, pp. 991–1011
'Shops, markets and retailers in London's Cheapside, c. 1500-1700', in Buyers, sellers and salesmanship in medieval and early modern Europe, ed. B. Blondé, P. Stabel, J. Stobart and I. Van Damme, pp. 155–70
'Families and housing in seventeenth-century London', Parergon 24.2, pp. 115–38.
'Cheapside: commerce and commemoration' in Jean E Howard and Deborah Harkness, The places and spaces of early modern London, 77-96
'Names and numbers: gathering and sharing information in early modern London ' and 'Early Modern England and the Written Word', in Koichi Watanabe Chu-kinsei Akaibuzu no Takokukan Hikaku / Multilateral Comparative Study on Archives of Medieval and Early Modern Times
'Working wives and economic growth: urban families in the pre-Industrial era', in Il ruolo economico della famiglia, secc. XIII-XVIII, ed. Simonetta Cavaiocchi.
'Sons, apprentices, and successors in late medieval and early modern London: the transmission of skills and work opportunities', in F-E Eliassen and K.Szende, eds, Generations in towns
'The last gasp: death and the family in early modern London', in James Kelly and Mary Ann Lyons, eds., Death and dying in Ireland, Britain, and Europe. Historical perspectives, pp. 77–94