Van Ferit Melen Airport

Van Ferit Melen Airport is an airport in Van, a city in the eastern region of Turkey. It is named after the Turkish politician and former prime minister Ferit Melen.

Airlines and destinations

Traffic Statistics

Year Domestic% changeInternational% changeTotal% change
2014/9902,060 8.0%2,413 31.0%904,473 8.0%
20131,120,522 12.0%4,218 99.0%1,124,740 12.0%
2012999,908 22.0%1,959 39.0%1,001,867 22.0%
20111,090,277 22.0%2,319 39.0%1,092,596 22.0%
2010890,382 20.0%1,674 60.0%892,056 20.0%
2009744,447 28.1%1,046 75.0%745,493 27.4%
2008581,142 6.0%4,177 34.4%585,319 6.5%


Incidents and accidents