Vaisakhi List

Vaisakhi List) is a 2016 Punjabi film directed by Smeep Kang and starring Jimmy Sheirgill, Shruti Sodhi and Sunil Grover as the main cast and the film was released on 22 April 2016.
The movie is loosely based on the 2002 Korean movie Jail Breakers.


Prisoner Tarsem Lal is seen coming out of a hole in the jail's garden, and is almost caught by Jailer Jalaur Singh Johal, who is very friendly with the prisoners. After talking to each other, they hear another prisoner, Jarnail Singh, arguing with Aman, a girl who was his bride-to-be before being arrested.

After arguing with Aman, Tarsem Lal goes to comfort Jarnail, and asks about the argument. Jarnail tells his story. Before being arrested, Jarnail was a dairy farmer who sold milk in the village. He goes to meet Aman's family, and wants to marry her. Aman, talking to Jarnail privately, says that she wants a love marriage, while Aman's brother wants her to marry his friend, in exchange for drugs. Jarnail decides to refuse the marriage proposal on Aman's behalf, and tells his friend,Baljit.

Sometime later, Jarnail finds that Aman teaches English to the elderly. Jarnail decides to join Aman's class, and Aman eventually falls in love with him. Jarnail goes back to Aman's family, and re-establish the marriage proposal, but Aman's brother seems unhappy.

On the way back home from Aman's house, he is stopped and checked by a Police officer, who finds opium in one of his milk cans. Although Jarnail claims innocence, he is still arrested, and Aman's family breaks ties with him. Jarnail believes that Aman's brother is responsible for his arrest, but Aman doesn't believe him. Aman came to the jail today to tell him that her marriage is fixed, and she will be married tomorrow, on Vaisakhi. Tarsem then tells Jarnail that they can escape the jail, but Jarnail, who knows that Tarsem has tried escaping multiple times, doesn't believe him.

Later, Tarsem tells his story. Prior to his arrest, Tarsem sold toys on his bike, and his only joy was his son. While he wanted his son to go to school, he wasn't worried about his son's grades, only that his son was happy. One day, while walking his son back from school, a police officer almost runs over Tarsem's son on his scooter. Tarsem, angry at the officer, slaps him. He is arrested for attacking an officer. While his original time in prison was supposed to be for a few months, his multiple attempts at escaping, who want to interview Tarsem and Jarnail. After trying to get them to eat sweets and snacks, as well as give them a tour of the place, Jalaur decides to scare them by giving them two other prisoners to interview, who are also named Tarsem and Jarnail, but have only been recently been put in prison for 1st-degree murder.

As Tarsem and Jarnail are getting close, they are soon stopped by Baljit, Baljit's father, and some thugs. He tells him that he is here for Aman, as they are getting married today, and reveals that he wanted to marry Aman before. After Jarnail's first marriage proposal broke, Baljit sent his own proposal, which broke after Aman agreed to marrying Jarnail. Baljit angry, decided to hide drugs in Jarnail's milk cans, and told the police officer to check the cans when Jarnail came by. Baljit won't allow Jarnail to pass unless he leaves Aman. Jarnail, with help from Tarsem then fights Baljit and his thugs. After knocking them out, they continue on their way.

At the prison, the Jail Minister, MLA Satpal Mander, and his assistant has arrived, making Jalaur even more nervous. Jalaur and the constables then try and stall the Minister, hoping Tarsem and Jarnail hurry and arrive.

Once outside the prison walls, Tarsem goes to the tunnel entrance, only to find that it's been filled with sand. Knowing it would take too long to dig out the sand, the two then try multiple ways to get over the walls, all which fail. As Jarnail suggests pole-vaulting over, Tarsem starts giving up hope. Jarnail convinces him that he will do it, that he must do it, for his son's sake.

At the same time, The Jail Minister is making a speech, and then asks Jalaur to come up and say a few words before bringing out Tarsem and Jarnail. Jalaur, feeling hopeless, decides to come clean. However, before he can admit the pair's escape, Tarsem and Jarnail jump and land in front of everyone.

Tarsem and Jarnail's release is officially signed. As the Jail Minister is leaving, his assistant says that it seemed like they broke in by the way they appeared. However, the Jail Minister ignores this. Tarsem meets with his family, and he and his son reconcile. Jarnail meets with Aman's family, having learned of Baljit's trickery and once again fix the alliance between Jarnail and Aman.
