VKA Vodka

VKA is a premium brand vodka produced in Italy from organic wheat and spelt and Tuscan Apennines water. It was founded in 2013 by a group of entrepreneurs in Mugello, gathered around the name of Futa Pass. The Maître de Chai for VKA is Luca Pecorini a renowned restaurant owner, who developed the original recipe for the vodka in Barberino di Mugello. It is distributed in Asia, Czech Republic and Italy.

Product description

Soft organic wheat and spealt used in the creation of VKA is grown in Tuscany, Italy from sustainable agriculture. Distilled in the same region with four double effect continuous vacuum columns, the distillate is then sent to Firenzuola, north of Florence, where it is blended with filtered Mugello mountains spring water, and bottled in an essential transparent glass Tuscan style bottle. Packaging has the same essential style and attention to eco-compatibility and organic materials.
The letter A in the logo is written as an upside-down V, so the Greek letter lambda is sometimes used as a replacement: VKΛ.