VINITI Database RAS is a database provided by the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information. The database is devoted to scientific publications. It is described as a large abstracting database. In general, it is indexed for the natural sciences, exact sciences, and technical sciences. Included in this database is AJ, indexed from 1981 to the present day.
The database is made up of published materials encompassing, conference proceedings, trade publications, thesis, periodicals, books, patents, regulatory documents, and collected scientific literature. Russian sources make up 30% of the deposited scientific works. The database produces documents that have a bibliographal description, keywords, a heading and an abstract. Primary source abstracts are mostly in Russian.
Another organizational structure of the VINITI database is its divisions into 29 thematic fragments. Also, there are over 230 editions of this database. A single Polythematic database was added in 2001, which is able to combine all the thematic fragments, except for "Mathematics". In addition, the thematic fragment, "Chemistry", is updated two times per month.

Scientific literature deposited at VINITI

The following is a sample of the scientific literature that is deposited at the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information.

Peer reviewed journals

The separate editions of this database are respectively entitled: "Scientific and scientific-technical journals and collections",
"Express Info",
"Abstract collections",
"Information Collections",

Scientific and scientific-technical journals and collections

The following issues are published in Scientific and scientific-technical journals and collections:
Overview is a periodical published 12 times per annum. It is a depository for one or several survey papers in a particular field of science and technology. Analytical content and synthesis of data is included in this collection. Survey information produced by VINITI RAS is in the following publications:
Express information is a periodical publication which is made up of detailed abstracts of what is considered to be significant scientific and technical documents. This published in Russia and abroad. Express information publishes the following issues:
Abstract collections is a periodic, abstracting service for and, scientific and technical, literature. This includes abstracts for books, dissertations, patent documents, analysis, overview, and deposited scientific works published in the Abstract Journal of VINITI RAS,. Abstract collections publishes the following issues:
Information Collections is also a periodical which publishes detailed abstracts, and analysis on foreign documents. The foreign works are characterized as scientific, technical, legal and economics literature, focused and related to a defined area of science and technology. Information Collections publishes the following issues:
Newsletters publishes the following issues:
This separate edition contains the "Bibliographic Index". The bibliographic index contains bibliographic descriptions of scientific papers, deposited at VINITI RAS and industry centers.

Thematic fragments

The 29 thematic fragments, mentioned above, are broad subject fields such as the following:
These broad subject fields are each further divided into subfields. For example, Astronomy encompasses: