University of Florida College of Education

The University of Florida College of Education is the teacher's college, or normal school, of the University of Florida. The College of Education is located on the eastern portion of the university's Gainesville, Florida, campus, and offers specializations in special education, higher education, educational policy, elementary education, counseling, teaching, and other educational programs. It is consistently ranked one of the top schools of education in the nation. The college was officially founded in 1906. In fiscal year 2017, the College of Education generated $97 million in research expenditures.

National Rankings: US News & World Report (2018)

The College of Education is organized into the following three schools and program areas:

School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education (HDOSE)

Office of Educational Research

UF's College of Education faculty and graduate students pursue vital, interdisciplinary research that impacts teaching and learning, education policy and leadership in all education disciplines. By partnering with multiple stakeholders, education faculty engage in novel scholarship and research activities that enhance "whole school" improvement, human development, student achievement, early-childhood readiness, assessment and program evaluation, teacher preparation and retention, and classroom technology advances.